National Transportation Center
Selected NTC Projects 1996-Present
For a complete list of all projects created by the NTC's University Transportation Centers, visit the SMARTER and and UMEC research pages.
- Investigating the Effect of Different Bike Lane Types on Bicyclists' Safety and Behavior in Baltimore City (Jeihani, Javid, Sadeghvaziri)
- Optimizing Complete Streets through Best Practices and Simulation Analysis (Jeihani, Swami)
- Comprehensive CAV Research, Working Group Support, and Pilot Studies (Jeihani, Swami)
- Advancing Equity and accessibility in Maryland's Transportation System: Strategies for Integrating Mobility Innovations with Community Needs (Jeihani, Swami)
- Public Awareness on Distracted Driving of CAVs and Evaluating the Distractions (Jeihani, Sadeghvaziri, Javid)
- A Comprehensive Study on CMV Safety Using ITS Workzones on Freeways and Arterials (Jeihani)
- Public Education about Occupant Protection Technologies and Protecting Occupants with Disabilities (Jeihani, Javid & Sadeghvazeri)
- Identifying State-Specific Distracted Driving Target Group (Javid, Jeihani & Sadeghvaziri)
- Understanding Access to Food Deserts in Baltimore City (Chavis)
- E3: Evaluating Equity in Evacuation: A Practical Tool and a Case Study (Cirillo & Chavis)
- Innovative Methods for Delivering Fresh Food to Underserved Populations (Shin, Schonfeld, Lee, Choi & Khadem)
- Investigating the Impact of Distracted Driving among Different Socio-Demographic Groups (Jeihani, Ahangari, Pour, Khadem & Banerjee)
- Optimization of Emergency Traffic Patrols (ETP) Operations (Haghani, Daneshgar, Jeihani, Ahangari & Pternea)
- Evaluating Equity Issues for Managed Lanes: Methods for Analysis and Empirical Results (Cirillo & Vicente)
- Sustainable Design of Concrete Bus Pads to Improve Mobility in Baltimore City (Aslan & Shokouhian)
- Optimal Automated Demand Responsive Feeder Transit Operation and Its Impact (Lee & Nickkar)
- Eco-Speed Control for Hybrid Electric Buses in the Vicinity of Signalized Intersections (Chen, Jeihani, Chavis, Kang, Ahangari & Moghaddam)
- Multi-layered Integrated Urban Freight Delivery Network - Case Study of Best Practices and Suggestions for Improving Social Sustainability (Shin)
- Potential Effects of Composition and Structure of Dynamic Message Sign Messages on Driver Behavior and Their Decision to Use Freeway Incident Management (FTM) Routes (Jeihani, Banerjee, Ahangari & Brown)
- Environmental Attributes of Electric Vehicle Ownership and Commuting Behavior in Maryland: Public Policy and Equity Considerations (Farkas, Shin, Nickkar)
- Quantifying the Impact of On-Street Parking Information on Congestion Mitigation (Chavis, Jeihani, Rakha, Ahangari, Du & El-Shawarby)
- Electric Vehicle Ownership Factors, Preferred Safety Technologies and Commuting Behavior in the United States (Farkas, Shin, Dadvar & Molina)
- Applications of Connected Vehicle Infrastructure Technologies to Enhance Transit Service Efficiency and Safety (Lee, Thomas & Dadvar)
- Measuring User Acceptance of and Willingness-to-Pay for CVI Technology (Shin, Callow, Farkas, Lee & Dadvar)
- Needs Barriers and Analysis Methods for Integrated Urban Freight (Markovic, Schonfeld, Shin)
- Understanding Regional Disparities in Public Transit Performance Using Real Time Transit Data (Karner, Golub, Chavis)
- Research Product Transfer for Local Calibration Factors of the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) and Integrated Surrogate Safety Assessment Framework (Shin, Lee, Park & Dadvar)
- Structural Health Monitoring to Determine Long-term Behavior of AFRP Composite Bars in Prestressed Concrete Panels for Field Deployment (Head & Harris)
- Measuring the Economic Contribution of the Freight Industry to the Maryland Economy (Shin, Bapna, Farkas & Bonaparte)
- Driver's Willingness to Pay Progressive Rate for Street Parking(Jeihani, Ardeshiri, Du & Rakha)
- Durability Assessment of Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems (Head)
- Stainless Steel Prestressing Strands and Bars for Use in Prestressed Concrete Girders and Slabs (Head)
- Next Generation Transit Signal Priority with Connected Vehicle Technology (Hu, Park, Lee & Dadvar)
- Phase II Evaluation of Waste Concrete Road Materials for Use in Oyster Aquaculture - Field Test (Fan & Clark)
- Safety Analysis for the Prioritized Three Safety Improvement Locations on I-495 (Shin & Dadvar)
- The Development of Local Calibration Factors for Implementing the Highway Safety Manual in Maryland (Shin, Lee & Dadvar)
- The Development of a Framework for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), October 2013 (Jeihani & Zhang)
- Exploring Travelers' Behavior in Response to Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) Using a Driving Simulator (Jeihani & Ardeshiri)
- Evaluation of Waste Concrete Road Materials for Use in Oyster Aquaculture (Clark, Hunter, Bundy & Kang)
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Dynamic Speed Display Signs (Jeihani, Ardeshiri & Naeeni)
- Susceptibility of Eastern Oyster Early Life Stages to Road Surface Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)(Lacouture, Larsen & Anderson)
- Mathematical Model for Optimizing Skip-Stop Rail Transit Operation Strategy Using Genetic Algorithm (Lee)
- A Social Network Analysis of Alcohol-Impaired Drivers in Maryland: An Egocentric Approach(Ahmed, Farkas & Beck)
- Life Cycle and Economic Efficiency Analysis Phase II: Durable Pavement Markings (Lee)
- Second Parenthoods: The Influence of Custodial Care of Children Among African-American Elderly on Their Travel Behavior and Transportation Needs (Smith & Hargett)
- A Comprehensive Engineering Analysis of Motorcycle Crashes in Maryland(Jeihani, Mazloomdoost & Ghoseiri)
- Assessing the Magnitude of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Loading From Road Surface Runoff and Its Effect on Algal Productivity (Anderson, Larsen & Lacouture)
- Trip Generation Studies for Special Generators (Jeihani & Camilo)
- Statewide GIS Mapping of Recurring Congestion Corridors (Saka)
- Life Cycle and Economic Efficiency Analysis: Durable Paint Pavement Markings(Lee)
- Durability Study: Waterborne Paint Pavement Markings (Lee)
- Traffic Impact Study: Proposed Conversion of a Segment of the Jones Falls Expressway (JFX) to a Boulevard (Saka)
- Development of a Prototype Vehicle-Infrastructure Integration System for Real-Time Traffic Management (Saka & Chowdhury)
- Estimation of Traffic Recovery Time for Different Flow Regimes on Freeways (Saka & Jeihani)
- Environmental Justice in Transportation Planning and Policy: Some Evidence from Practice (Sen & Azonobi)
- Projecting Future Landside Congestion Delays at the BWI Airport (Reed)
- Experimental Investigations on Mechanical Behavior of Unsaturated Subgrade With Chemical Stabilization and Physical Reinforcement (Li & Helm)
- Developing a Methodology for Transit Network Performance Analysis and its Application (Lee)
- Effect of Bus-Stop Spacing on Mobile Emissions in Urban Areas (Saka)
- Feasibility Study of A Fuel Cell Technology in Automobile Application (Lee)
- Comprehensive Social Equity Study for the Baltimore Urban League (Sen & Azonobi)
- Spatially Referenced Crash Data System for Application to Commercial Motor Vehicle Crashes (Bapna)
- Assessment of the Impact of Electronic Toll Collection on Mobile Emissions in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area(Saka & Agboh)
- BWI Terminal Accessibility Study (Reed)
- Intermodal Personalized Transit: An Exploratory Study to Identify Secondary Market and Technology Resources for Concept Testing (Stump)
- Does Risky Driving Relate to Other Risky Behaviors Among Young Adults? (Perrino & Saka)
- Licensing Requirements for the Risky Driver - A Nationwide Survey(Perrino & Saka)
- The Risky Driver Annotated Bibliography (Perrino & Saka)
- Reverse Commuting: Connecting Inner City Labor Force to Suburban Jobs in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area(Saka)
*List of archived project reports not exhaustive