National Transportation Center
The Urban Mobility and Equity Center
UMEC was established in 2016 to improve the mobility of people and goods in urban communities in a safe manner. As a Tier-1 USDOT University Transportation Center, its research program developed new technologies, policies, and practices aimed at enhancing the transportation network. Over the course of the grant period, significant strides were made in investigating how automated and connected vehicles can contribute to these goals amid these technological changes. UMEC was a consortium of three universities: Morgan State University, University of Mayrland, College Park, and Virginia Tech. As the lead, Morgan state was one of just two HBCUs in the country to head a Tier-1 UTC.
Semi-Annual Progress Reports
Archived UMEC Reports
This study introduces an enhanced Knowledge-Based Expert System (KBES) designed to efficiently generate optimal cost-benefit countermeasures for improving pedestrian safety at intersections by analyzing contributing factors and optimizing countermeasure selection.
The proposed research effort will be the first study to develop a general eco-driving strategy for vehicles with mixed engine types at signalized intersections.
This UMEC project uses video surveillance of locations in Baltimore, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., to compare pedestrian-related travel behavior in the two neighboring cities, information needed to reduce pedestrian deaths.
This project examines how V2X-based eco-routing can be used to reduce fuel consumption and increase fuel efficiency in a simulated traffic environment.
This research develops methods for optimizing the selection, sequencing and scheduling for various types of improvements for road networks.
This UMEC research investigates the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on public transit riders and operators in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area.
Maas will be a major mobility trend in the future and this research will show its future benefits.
This study develops a descriptive model that is capable of capturing the inherent non-lane-based trafficbehavior characteristics of bicycles and presents a naturalistic dataset for future bicycle motion modeling.
This research develops mathematical modeling for MaaS implementation.
This report aims to develop an optimization algorithm for vehicle speed control in the vicinity of actuated signalized intersections.
This study provides deeper insights into bike travel and bike travel behavior among different income groups and races in the U.S.
Exploring occupant protection technologies designed to protect those with disabilities.
Dedicated bus facilities are being installed, and many jurisdictions allows cyclists to use them. This study will analyze cyclist safety in shared bus-bike lanes.
Research and public outreach initiatives to address distracted driving and prevention technologies.
This work should provide a smart, real-time approatch to tranportation agencies to estimate the number of vehicles on the road.
This research developed and calibrated a microscopic traffic simulation model to replicate the fairly realistic behavior of connected vehicles in the traffic simulation environment.
This UMEC research effort proposes to model bicyclist longitudinal motion while accounting for bicycle interactions using vehicular traffic flow techniques.
This study investigates possible correlations between mobility, accessibility and crime rate.
This UMEC project analyzes different components of Complete Streets design and use with the goal of creating fast, low-cost, and high impact (transportation) changes in our communities.
This research explores the changes in ridesharing travel during COVID-19 and the associated changes in other transportation modes.
The proposed approach in this UMEC project entails designing two integrated control systems for connected automated vehicles (CAVs) and connected vehicles (CVs), which will be tested in a microscopic traffic simulation software and a driving simulator, respectively.
This research studies the multi-depot and multi-school bus scheduling problem with school bell time optimization (MDBSPBO) with the goal of minimizing the total number of buses and the total deadhead duration.
This study established that at each AV penetration level, there exists a set of optimal behavioral mechanisms for the AV flows to coordinate with non-AV flows to best use the roads and reduce congestion.
This study considered six options for last-mile fresh food delivery systems for individuals in food deserts, optimized them and analyzed costs.
The study developed a novel multi-modal traffic signal control system that integrates connected and automated vehicle (CAV) applications.
Effective incident management relies on many tools to lessen the impact of crashes, road debris and disabled vehicles. This model can be used to design an effective network.
Managed lanes can mitigate congestion without building new infrastructure, but such policies should also be evaluated for equity considerations, especially for drivers with lower incomes.
This research project, which included a case study, examined concrete bus pads in Baltimore City to determine why they required more than routine maintenance due to surface cracks and local failure.
This research summarizes recent studies on two versions of the Vehicle Routing Problem, i.e., the time-dependent vehicle routing problem (TD-VRP) and the green vehicle routing problem (G-VRP), for which a time-dependent version was also developed.
This research developed an algorithm for the optimal flexible feeder bus routing, which will be come more realistic as automated vehicles become available.
This research addresses transportation system state prediction problems considering private vehicles, public transit, and bike share services within the context of a multimodal transportation system.
This project develops general-purpose methods for optimizing the selection, sequencing, and scheduling of interrelated improvement projects in transportation networks, with special emphasis on relatively dense urban networks.
Distracted driving is a major source of crashes in the U.S. and Maryland. As part of this study, which uses driving simulators and eye-tracking software to study the effects of distracted driving, an educational video was produced to illustrate the dangers of distracted driving.
This research investigated the behaviors of ACVs and V2Xs in the road network to establish parameters for these new types of vehicles in traffic simulation.
This project offers the unique opportunity to monitor an ambitious project that aims at providing a fare free, frequent service that offers larger coverage and increased connectivity.
This project allows officials to accurately account for vulnerable populations in the event of a natural disaster and plan accordingly.
This research extends the Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (Eco-CACC) system previously developed by the research team for light duty vehicles (LDVs) to heavy duty vehicles (HDVs) such as diesel and hybrid electric buses.
Using the results of a survey of 573 people, this study identified user-generated data-driven indicators with statistical significance for developing a novel food desert metric using CHAID decision trees.
This study developed an advanced decentralized transit signal priority (TSP) system using a cycle-free Nash bargaining (NB) signal control system.
This project coupled historical and real-time traffic data with an advanced routing algorithm to improve service.
This research develops an Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System for electric vehicles, extending the system previously developed by the research team for internal combustion engines.
This project, which creates a dynamics-based cycling acceleration model, focuses on both bicycles and rail transportation.
This research proposes to develop an advanced Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System (Eco-CACC) for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) to pass signalized intersections with energy-optimized speed profiles, with the consideration of impacts by multiple signalized intersections.
This project helps officials evaluate, select and plan projects in a transportation network.
This study explores the considerable impact of ride-hailing on transit.
This research develops a machine-learning model to provide real-time estimates of the level of market penetration and improve the accuracy of vehicle counts.
This study is the first of its kind to use this type of data to measure access to opportunities.
This case study examined e-bike use as Richmond, Virginia's, bike share program incorporated e-bikes into its fleet.
Reliable predictions are needed as a basis for strategic decisions for both private companies and public policies in favor of EVs.
This research optimizes the vehicle-rider matching and vehicle routing and develops sustainable financial policies including financial incentives for ridesharing providers, adequate costs for the ridesharing recipients, and potential subsidies in order to promote P2P ridesharing.
This study uses data from signalized intersections with multiple deep learning and machine learning technique to provide estimates of traffic signal switching times; these estimates enable more fuel-efficient operations.