Information Technology
Mobile Management Services FAQs
How do I request a Morgan State University (MSU) mobile device?
Requests for MSU mobile devices should be submitted to the Mobile Management Services team via a Service Desk ticket. Follow these instructions to begin the process. Note that MSU mobile devices require Dean/VP approval and adequate departmental funding.
Who is eligible for an MSU mobile device?
Key personnel are eligible for an MSU mobile device. Key personnel are employees who provide support services that require immediate communication throughout the day, while away from the office or away on travel. This also includes emergency and safety personnel.
Can I order device accessories for my MSU mobile device?
Yes. Accessories for University-issued mobile devices can be purchased through most retailers at your department's expense. The Mobile Management Services team does not order or purchase mobile device accessories.
When will I be eligible for a mobile phone upgrade?
Typically, MSU mobile phone contracts last 18 to 24 months. If you are unsure of your mobile device upgrade eligibility date, contact an MMS representative at
How can I add international service to my MSU mobile phone?
Users who travel for university-related purposes are eligible for international call services with their Dean or VP's approval. International calling must be university business-related. Requests should be submitted to the Mobile Management Services team ( at least 2 to 3 business days prior to travel and should include your budget code.
My MSU mobile device is damaged/not working. What should I do?
Contact the Mobile Management Services (MMS) team at The MMS department will troubleshoot the device. If the issue cannot be resolved, you may be asked to visit a vendor-authorized store.
My MSU mobile device is lost or was stolen. What should I do?
In the event your MSU mobile phone is lost or stolen, IMMEDIATELY contact the Mobile Management Services team ( A copy of your police report is required when reporting your phone stolen.
Can I keep my MSU mobile device(s) if I am no longer employed by the University?
Requests must be submitted to the Mobile Management Services team (