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Office of Research Administration

Human Subjects Research

MSU adheres to a rigorous policy for the protection of human research subjects in accordance with the United States Department of Health and Human Services regulations, 45 CFR 46. All research projects involving human subjects that are conducted under the auspices of the University, regardless of the funding source, must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). The ORA is the administrative unit responsible for coordinating the functions of the IRB. Proposals involving human subjects should be submitted to the ORA for assignment to the appropriate IRB, including the proposed research protocols and informed consent forms.

PIs should allow at least 30 days for completion of IRB review. Following IRB review, the PI will be advised of the outcome in writing, whether approval, disapproval, or deferred approval with suggestions for modifying the proposed protocol. Under no circumstances will a research project involving human subjects be allowed to proceed without prior IRB review and approval.

Questions regarding IRB Process may be directed to the IRB Administrator: Dr. Edet Isuk at or 443-885-4340.

IRB Policies and Procedures
IRB Meeting Schedule
IRB - Human Participants Committee Membership