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Office of Research Administration

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

Morgan State University recognizes that scientific research is expected to benefit the public at large and must be guided by the core values of honesty, accuracy, objectivity, and trust. To carry out its research mission, the University is committed to comply with the federal requirements of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). RCR highlights many of the issues that scientists can face in the conduct of research and the best ways to handle them. RCR addresses eight (8) major topics from falsification and fabrication, to conflicts of interest, authorship and intellectual property.

All researchers who receive support from a National Institutes of Health (NIH) and/or National Science Foundation (NSF) grant are required to complete an RCR training at the start of their award and again every four years. The Office of Research Administration (ORA) supports the institutional effort at compliance by providing opportunities for RCR training through:

  1. On-line, web-based RCR course sponsored by CITI --
    Instructions for registering for the CITI Program website can be found here.
  2. Presentations and Lectures on RCR fundamentals, as well as topic-specific lectures by invited experts.

Resources:  RCR Powerpoint Presentation