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Dr. Bhamini M.P. Nayar

Associate Professor, Mathematics

Office: Carnegie 351
Phone: 443-885-3775

Education (degrees and institutions):


Ph.D. University of Delhi, India, 1984

M.Sc. Union Christian College, Kerala University, India, 1974

B.Sc. Union Christian College, Kerala University, India, 1972.


Research Interests (1-2 paragraphs):


Topics in General Topology, Analysis and their applications. Special interests include studies of compactness and generalizations of compactness, paracompactness, study of local properties using extensions, multifunctions between spaces, study of spaces using real-valued functions, generalized topological spaces, extending classical properties in Analysis using topological methods to more general settings and thus train undergraduate students also to conduct research in mathematical sciences.


Selected Publications (Most recent and significant, about 5): (Total 51)


Bhamini M. P. Nayar, Two Generalizations of Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem, London Journal of Research in Science: Natural and Formal, Vol. 23 Issue 16, Compilation 1.0, (2023) 1-5.

James E. Joseph and Bhamini M. P. Nayar, A Study Of Topological Properties Via Adherence Dominators, Lecture Notes in Nonlinear Analysis published by the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun,Juliusz Schauder Center for Nonlinear Studies, Poland Vol. 21 (2022) (Book).


James Edward Joseph, Bhamini M. P. Nayar, Connectedness Generalizations Using the Concept of Adherence Dominators, American Journal of Applied Mathematics. Volume 10 (2) (2022), 43-50.

James Edward Joseph, Bhamini M. P. Nayar, Locally H-closed Spaces, Subspaces and Their Extensions, American Journal of Applied Mathematics, 10 (2) (2022), 51-58,

Zeinab Bandpey and Bhamini M. P. Nayar, A generalization of Uniform Boundedness Principle, International Journal of Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 2020, No.1 (2020), 24-32.