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Department of Mathematics

ALEKS Played a Crucial Part in my at Home Learning Experience

by Donata Watson • April 29, 2020

When the unanticipated news came out about COVID-19, students and staff nationwide were alarmed and many questions were raised. How will we move forward? Will this transition be harmful? How can I continue my academic schedule? Everything happened extremely fast and forced many from their daily regimen. Thankfully, we have websites such as ALEKS that were intertwined with the curriculum prior to the quarantine. This allowed for a much more smooth transition for many students and teachers. Without it, it would have been extremely difficult to get that in depth learning experience. For me, learning in a hands on environment boosts my understanding for the work, hence it was a little hard for me to find my footing during this time.

However once I began using ALEKS on a day-to-day basis, I started to become much more comfortable. I've used many other websites before switching to ALEKS and I will say that it has been a lot easier learning then it has been before. I do not feel restricted or forced to get everything right. It makes me feel like I can learn at my own pace. Sometimes I find it a bit difficult in in-class learning because the professor is almost forced to teach at one pace, regardless of if everyone is at that pace or not. Some may learn faster than others. However ALEKS makes it a lot easier. There are many helpful tools such as knowledge checks and explanations for each topic. If you get a problem wrong, it'll give you different examples until you get it right. What I like the most is if you keep getting the same questions wrong, it'll tell you to take a break and move on to the next topic. When I use ALEKS it is mainly for Math but they have many other subjects a part of their website. Some of which include Chemistry, Introductory Statistics, and Business. This allows for an array of teachers to utilize their website for their students.

We can't control what goes on in the world, but at least we'll be in control of our learning experience with such beneficial tools.

ALEKS is a game Changer!