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Department of English & Language Arts

Du Bois Symposium

Sesquicentennial Symposium W. E. B. Du Bois Symposium

Morgan State University held a Sesquicentennial Symposium in honor of the 150th birthday of William Edward Burghardt "W. E. B." Du Bois (February 23, 1868 - August 27, 1963).

The two hour symposium consisted of a faculty panel and two teams from the University of Debate, founded in 2017.

The symposium offered a rare opportunity to watch students from the University of Debate engage in a cross-examination format in a spirited debate of the competing visions of black advancement articulated by Du Bois and Booker T. Washington including the politics of Black Lives Matter.

The University of Debate offers access to some of debate's top talent to develop, grow and thrive through first hand experiences with debate and public speaking. Opportunities and services focus on the needs of communities of color that have lost access to debate due to financial, political and social reasons. All of the participants of this debate were a part of the former Baltimore Urban Debate League HS Debate Program, which is no longer servicing high school debate in Baltimore City.