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Veterans Engagement Services

VES Resource Hub

The VES team provides student support services internally and externally while providing a veteran-friendly atmosphere. All Veterans Engagement team members are trained to understand the challenges associated with being military personnel, or the family members of. The team operates and manages its services considering the varying needs associated with civilian life and returning to school.

Don't see a service listed here, contact your Veterans Resource Coordinator at

Priority Registration

All student-veterans have the opportunity to register for their program's curriculum before the general population

Military Events

Where we highlight and focus on the student veteran experience!

On-Campus Support

Additional support service partnerships on campus and beyond

Beyond Financial Aid

Beyond Financial Aid

This hub is designed to provide student veterans with community resources and programs that can be used for additional support services

Who is my Academic Advisor?

All First-Time Freshmen are assigned a first-year Student Success and Retention Coordinator as their Academic Advisor based on the Academic School they are majoring in. All Retention Coordinators are located within the offices of the Academic Schools. For a full listing of current Retention Coordinators go to

All Second-Year students are assigned an academic advisor housed within their major/department. Each academic school has designated faculty, deans, and chairs who serve as advisors to assist students with goal planning and best practices based on the career interests of the student. For more information about academic advising in your second year and beyond, contact the Administrative Assistants located within each academic school. 

In addition to your assigned Retention Coordinator during your freshmen year, during your second year as a student at Morgan State University, you are assigned a Second Year Experience Coach. This individual will assist you with an out-of-classroom experience opportunity to assist with your career readiness. For more information about the Second-year experience go to

Morgan State University also has an Academic Advising Hotline managed by the Division of Enrollment Management & Student Success. this hotline can be used to help students navigate and resolve any potential academic advising concerns or to request additional information or services. For more information about the Academic Advising Hotline go to

What is the Veteran Student Association (VSA)?

Morgan State University has a designated student veteran organization on campus called the Veterans Student Association or VSA. This organization was created to unite veteran and non-veteran students with each other campus-wide using community engagement events and programs.

We intend to create a cohesive identity for veteran students and promote a positive social environment. This association will also serve as the voice of the student veterans on campus to the university-wide committees and governing offices. Leadership members of the VSA are mandated committee members of the Veterans Advisory Committee. Any necessary student veteran support is also extended to service members around the State of Maryland, the District of Columbia, Delaware, and Virginia area.

Officer Qualifications are as follows:

  • Applicant must be a student with Military Status or
  • Be a spouse or dependent child of a veteran
  • Be a current Army ROTC Student
  • Be currently matriculating student in good academic standing
  • Have a GPA of at least 2.7 or higher

The term of the office can be one or two academic school years consecutively.

All association officers are bound to the mandatory reporting policies and procedures of the Office of Student Life and Development, as well as those stipulated in the Veteran Student Association Constitution. 

The election of officers will take place during the Spring semester of each academic school year. Officers will be elected by a majority vote of the members at the time of voting closure.

Officer Positions are as follows:

President - Oversees all meetings, appoints committee chairpersons, manages the association's business, events, and activities, and serves as the liaison to the Office of Student Life & Development.

Vice-President -Assumes the President’s duties in their absence, represents the association at SGA Council meetings, and ensures adherence to the President’s directives. Oversees that officers and members comply with the VSA Constitution and its amendments.

Secretary - Records minutes for all meetings, prepares agendas, and maintains an updated list of members with contact details. Oversees association records, including business transactions, venue details, receipts, correspondence, and sponsor/partner information. With approval from the President or Vice President, may assume dual roles as Treasurer or Events Coordinator in the absence of elected or relieved officers, ensuring compliance with university and association policies.

Treasurer - Manages all financial transactions of the association, including receiving member dues and requesting funds through the Advisor(s) for events, programs, and services. Maintains and submits a monthly financial reconciliation report and ensures compliance with all university financial policies and procedures.

Events Coordinator -Plans and executes all association events, coordinating with officers and members. Maintains venue service provider contacts, secures event spaces, negotiates contracts, and confirms agreements. Works closely with the Treasurer and Advisor(s) on fund requests and deposits for transactions. With approval from the President or Vice President, may assume dual roles as Social Media/Marketing Representative in the absence of elected or relieved officers, ensuring compliance with university and association policies.

Social Media/Marketing Coordinator - Manages and updates all association social media platforms, ensuring consistent engagement. Provides photography services for events and designs marketing materials, including flyers, campaigns, and giveaways, with support from the President and Vice President when needed.

Member Positions are as follows:

Regular Member - A qualified "Regular" member is an enrolled student of the University holding military status or military affiliation. A "Regular" member can be a Select Reservist, National Guard member, Active Duty service member, Retired Veterans, Spouses, Dependents, or active ROTC cadets.

Membership Fees for this level of membership are applicable and enable these members to vote on crucial parliamentary decisions of the association as well as gain access to up to two (2) FREE paid entry passes to military-specific events/giveaways. 

Associate Member - A qualified "Associate" member is defined as any person who does NOT fall under any form of military status or affiliation as identified in "Regular Membership" guidelines. Associate members can be any student, faculty, staff, or community member who supports the mission and vision of the Veteran Student Association.

Membership Fees for this level of membership may or may not be assessed depending on the participation of this member. In some cases discounted admission prices or overhead charges may be waived based on the event type or general admission costs and event nature. Associate membership levels are discussed at each monthly meeting and all are welcome to participate to learn more.

Click here to become a memberor you can send an email for more information.

Association Meetings are held as follows:

The VSA Executive Board will host a mandatory monthly meeting every 2nd week of each calendar month during the academic school year in August- May. This is a closed meeting with VSA Executive Board members only. The meeting format may vary depending on peak or non-peak time frames throughout the school year.

The VSA Advisory Council will host a mandatory monthly meeting every 3rd week of each calendar month during the academic school year in the months of August-May. This is a closed meeting with the VSA Executive Board and the Advisory Council members only. The meeting format may vary depending on peak or non-peak time frames throughout the school year.

The VSA Executive Board and VSA Advisory Council will host a general membership meeting the 1st week of each calendar month during the academic school year. The academic school year begins in August and extends through to May. Additional meetings are added as the demand arises. This is an open meeting. The meeting format may vary depending on peak or non-peak time frames throughout the school year.

What is the VA Work Study Program? Am I eligible?

VA Work Study Program - The VA Work Study Program was established to offer service members, spouses, and dependents the opportunity to gain valuable work experience. While attending classes the participant can supplement their income and provide valuable service to their peers. The team's main goal is to serve the needs of students by preparing them for their professional careers after graduation. Our area offers leadership opportunities and identifies and sustains service members, their survivors, and their dependents. 

Eligible participants must be utilizing Chapter 30: MGIB (AD), Chapter 31: VR&E, Chapter 33: Post 9/11, Chapter 1606: MGIB (SR), or Chapter 35:DEA Educational benefits. The participant can also be using the Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship, Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship, or be a National Call to Service participant.

Additional eligibility requirements include:

  • Students must be enrolled in at least 9 cr semester hours or more to participate.
  • Students must be certified using the VA Form 22-1999 in Enrollment Manager, and have an active enrollment in the school system for the semester they intend to work.
  • New applications must be submitted for each term and upon approval of the site supervisor, extension contracts are allowed for an additional 30-day period beyond the contract end date. The extension approval is also pending each participant has remaining hours on the contract. All work-study participants must be accepted to an approved Work Study site before applying. All sites must have approved participants complete the VA Form 22-8691 Application for Work-Study Allowance.

Each VA Work Study site has a cap on how many eligible students can participate in the program during any given term. Participating schools have a designated Site Supervisor who approves and manages the work-study site and application process. Students can work up to 400 hours during a typical semester based on the term start date. Approved participants should not begin work under this program until an application is submitted and approved. VA Work Study contracts are initiated and processed by the Department of Veterans Affairs and forwarded to the Site Supervisors for signature and return. All schedules, and timesheet due dates are coordinated between the Site Supervisor and the accepted participant.

For more specific information about the VA Work Study program, COVID or disaster provisions, and particular benefit instructions, speak with your designated university School Certifying Official at

What is the Veteran Advisory Committee - Military Task Force?

Morgan State University, understands the ever-changing dynamics of our military population. Therefore, to meet those needs and provide resources the VACM was officially created back in 2010. This committee is designated to respond to the varying needs of our military students on and off campus. This committee was comprised of key stakeholders from various university departments including Student Affairs, Veterans Services, Academic Affairs, and Enrollment Management teams. Additional stakeholders represent the areas of Finance and Management, Residence Life, Judicial Affairs, Business Services, and a host of other crucial campus departments that provide service to our students.

This committee helps facilitate the smooth transition of service members from the military into civilian life. The committee's primary goal is to bring programs and services to the institution that promote student success from the point of admission to graduation. To accomplish these goals the Veterans Advisory Committee:

  • Serves as additional advocates for all military students on/off campus
  • Provides best practices and guidance that support success while on military duty
  • Recognition of the need for familial support for spouses and dependents
  • Offering additional financial, emotional, and physical support
  • Contribute to the recruitment and retention of military students
  • Provide internal and external support and programs that focus on whole life experiences

This committee meets quarterly each year and the represented areas include:

  • Admission
  • MSU University Bookstore
  • Bear Essentials
  • Bursar
  • Career Development
  • CICS
  • Counseling Center
  • Disability Services
  • Financial Aid
  • Registrar
  • Residence Life and Housing
  • Retention and Student Success
  • Military Science Program (MSU ROTC)
  • MSU Campus Safety
  • Office of Student Affairs
  • Student Advocate (Veteran Student Association)
  • Veterans Engagement Services (VA School Certifying Officials)

To submit your concerns for committee review, contact the Veterans Engagement Services Team at