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Veterans Engagement Services

Contact Us

For your convenience, the Office of the Registrar also has various methods students may utilize to contact a team member.  Select from the email addresses below, which area you require assistance with. 

Department Email Addresses:

Veterans Benefits Assistance - To request VA or DoD benefit funding assistance or other military-affiliated services

Veterans Student Association Assistance - To request assistance about upcoming events, member meetings, volunteer opportunities, or interest in being an officer with the Veterans Student Association contact

Veterans Scholarship Assistance - To request assistance with the VES tuition assistance or VES book scholarship contact

Veteran Partnerships - To request assistance with partnering or sponsoring our veteran's team contact

Transcript Assistance - To request assistance for any of our provided transcript services

Graduation/Diploma Assistance - To request assistance with graduation clearance and or diploma services

Registration Assistance - To request assistance with course registration and or general course inquiries

Records Assistance - To request assistance with general student records, i.e., change of major, G.P.A. calculation, repeat exclusions, etc.

Transfer Credit Evaluation and Articulation Assistance -  To request assistance with transfer credit evaluation, articulations, and permission to take courses off-campus

Tell us how we did.

Do you have a moment to tell us how we did? Complete our VES Customer Satisfaction Survey today!