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Emergency Military Leave Policy - State of Emergency - COVID-19

In response to Governor Larry Hogan's activation of the Maryland National Guard, as a direct result of the impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the procedure to notify the Veterans Engagement team, faculty, and staff of Emergency Military Duty Departures/TDY have been updated as follows:

Upon receipt of your official notification from your specified branch of service, please click the following link to complete our State of Emergency - Coronavirus Military Duty Assignment Notification form. You will be required to attach your personal information and original military assignment notification letter. Please note that any documentation you provide must be dated March 12, 2020, or later, as that date was the beginning of Governor Hogan's activation and can encompass any date moving forward which falls within the COVID-19 State of Emergency.

Once the Veterans Engagement team has received your notification and documentation, we will reach out to your faculty members for this semester to notify them of your deployment. All requests must accompany official documentation from your branch of the military showing your mandate to report date and location.

If you are already deployed and did not reach out prior to deployment or do not currently have the ability to furnish this information; please contact us as soon as you do so that we might best assist you.

Note: If you are deployed for a regular assignment unrelated to the COVID-19 State of Emergency, you must follow the standard military leave policy instructions located under the regular Veterans Engagement Military Leave Policy.

Please know that Morgan State University is committed to student success and we are here to assist you. Please continue to check your Morgan email regularly for any additional revisions to the information as the process unfolds. Thank you in advance for your service and cooperation.

If you have any questions or require additional assistance, please contact us at

Go to the Department of Veterans Affairs COVID-19 FAQs for additional information on how VA Educational Benefits may be impacted during the Pandemic.