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Presidential Communications

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| August 23, 2024

Morgan Makes Ten Strategic Investments to Enhance Campus Security

Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year. With the semester officially underway and campus life in full swing, I want to update you on some additional investments we have made and will continue to make to enhance security on and around our campus.

| August 08, 2024

Morgan is Growing: An Update on Current and Future Campus Construction

Morgan is destined for greater heights, and we’ve yet to reach our full potential as an institution.

| July 04, 2024

The Cost of Democracy: Recommitting to Freedom

On this day, a holiday rooted in this nation’s origins and a referendum on tyranny and absolute rule by monarchy, our country celebrates its independence and freedom.

| March 26, 2024

Important Message Regarding the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse Incident

I write to you today, disturbed by the tragic collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. This devastating event has undoubtedly shaken our city, and our thoughts are with all those affected by this catastrophe.

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