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President Wilson Presidential Communications

Morgan Homecoming 2024: Reaffirming and Celebrating Morgan’s Legacy

by Morgan State U
September 27, 2024

Dear Morgan Family,

The start of our beloved Homecoming Week is now just a few days away! The sheer anticipation of our grand celebration of Morgan is percolating all around campus. Throngs of alums eagerly await to reconnect with alma mater and rekindle their Morgan-made friendships. And our more than 11,000 current Morgan students — many of whom will be experiencing a Morgan Homecoming for the first time — are brimming with enthusiasm! For all its attendees, Homecoming represents the Morgan Way: the rites and traditions that connect us as one Morgan Family, fully embracing the rich legacy born here on our treasured campus. This timeless bond compels so many to return to celebrate Morgan and our fellow Morganites.

President Wilson with BennyThe shared space we call Homecoming fortifies our kinship. Homecomings are very much reunions, harmoniously bringing together generations woven together by a common, unique thread. Here at Morgan, the thread that unifies us as a community — as a family — is seamlessly twined and dyed Morgan Blue and Orange.

Morgan Family, as we prepare for a weeklong itinerary of events and activities culminating with the Homecoming football game on Saturday, Oct. 5, I ask that you remain true to our ideals. Remember who we are and the deeply rooted values that are central to our shared legacy. Enjoy the activities. Revel in the camaraderie of your fellow Bears. Have fun, and, most importantly, be safe. As Chief Lance Hatcher shared in his campuswide communication detailing the University’s Homecoming Security Plan, we have continued to build on previous security investments and have further enhanced our capacity to secure Morgan’s campus to ensure that our entire Morgan Family and visitors have a safe and enjoyable Homecoming experience.

The following is a brief review of the security enhancements put in place for Morgan’s 2024 Homecoming Week:

  • Technology-Enhanced Security – From AI-supported weapons-detection, to license plate-reading technology, to a surveillance network with more than 3,100 camera views reinforced with the deployment of aerial drones and several mobile security camera towers, the University will implement the most effective measures to support the personnel responsible for safety and security during Homecoming.
  • Increased Presence of Law Enforcement and Security Personnel – The Morgan State University Police Department will head an interagency deployment of 225 sworn police officers and security personnel supported by additional law enforcement personnel from the Baltimore Police Department, Maryland State Police and Maryland Transportation Authority Police, to name a few.
  • Signage and Communication – Gentle and consistent reminders will be posted to ensure everyone is fully aware of what will NOT be tolerated on our campus.
  • Building and Campus Closure Times – On Saturday, Homecoming Day, all campus buildings will be cleared and closed by 3 p.m., and the campus will officially close at 7 p.m.

These measures and more have been put in place to safeguard and are not meant to be intrusive or obstructive. While we desire everyone to enjoy the glorious week ahead and have the most pleasurable Homecoming, your safety and the safety of our visitors are paramount.

Stadium Crowd

And so, to our students: I wish you a very Happy Homecoming Week and extend a warm welcome back to our campus, the National Treasure. To the multitudes of alumni and their families returning home to Morgan: I look forward to seeing you throughout next week in the days leading up to our Homecoming Game versus Lincoln University. From the Coronation Ball (Monday) and the Silent Disco (Tuesday) to the Homecoming Concert (Wednesday) and the inaugural Alumni Basketball Games (Thursday), there’s much to do and enjoy! Of course, I cannot fail to mention the official grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony for our new Health and Human Services Center on Thursday, followed by the Pep Rally and the 40th Annual Morgan State University Homecoming Gala on Friday.

Morgan Family, we have much to celebrate and be thankful for. Homecoming is truly a special occasion. Enjoy this reunion the only way we know how, the Morgan Way, as the leaders (“L.I.I.D.E.R.S.”) we embody in all we do.

Be safe and courteous, and, most of all, have fun! Happy Homecoming. The Morgan Legacy Lives On!

With Morgan Pride,


David K. Wilson