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Office of Research Administration

Grant Story - Dr. Seong Lee

Forging Futures: Innovation and Excellence at MSU CAESECT Lab

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The image shows a group of five people standing together, posing for a photo. The man in the center is holding a large, clear trophy, indicating an award ceremony or recognition event. They are all dressed in formal attire, including suits and a black dress. The setting appears to be indoors, with a podium and a white background, suggesting a formal presentation or event. The group is smiling, indicating a celebratory atmosphere.
Dr. Seong W. Lee stood at the helm of innovation as the Director of the Center for Advanced Energy Systems & Environmental Control Technologies (CAESECT) and a Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering. After all, Dr. Lee’s team recently achieved the prestigious honor of securing two patents: “Hybrid Mobile Shellfish Cooling System” (Patent No. US11,867,457 B2, January 09, 2024) and “System and Method for Biomass Combustion” (Patent No. US11,982,442 B2, May 14, 2024). And under Dr. Lee’s proven guidance, a dynamic team flourished, comprising six graduate students and three undergraduates, all immersed in ground-breaking research and development activities. Among them, two students stood out with their remarkable contributions: Oludayo Samuel Alamu and Isaiah Dornelus.

Oludayo Samuel Alamu, a diligent and ambitious student, had journeyed through both his Master’s and Doctoral studies(received DEng,Dec2023) in the Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) Department. Since his admission to Morgan State University (MSU) in 2018, he has been the recipient of numerous research grants. His involvement in the preparation and submission of research proposals to esteemed agencies like the National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), NASA, and the Maryland Industrial Partnerships Program (MIPS) was just the beginning. His growth from a keen team participant to a proficient leader of various research projects highlighted his relentless curiosity to learn and engineer real-world solutions.

One of Dr. Alamu's significant achievements was his contribution to the development of the first-ever licensed technology from Morgan State University by Cykloburn LLC, which led to an awarded patent. Similarly, he remains an important contributor to an ongoing NSF-funded project (NSF Award # 2200616) titled “Excellence in Research: System Oriented Research and Environmental Impact of Poultry Litter Conversion Process into Biochar.” His doctoral dissertation focused on exergy analysis and environmental assessment of solid waste conversion to energy via combustion and pyrolysis. Presently, he works as a Research Associate on phase #3 of the aforementioned NSF project, conducting LCA and techno-economic analysis on biochar and its applications. His involvement in two other MIPS grants further showcases his expertise: The Modular Solar Heating System Project (MIPS 7208, Fall 2023) and the Modernized Sleeve Valve Engine Testing & Evaluation Project (MIPS 6721.20, Spring 2023). Dr. Alamu's exceptional research skills led to him being named co-inventor on six intellectual property disclosures, aiming to enhance bioenergy production through thermochemical processes. His efforts were recognized with the Student Innovator of the Year award in November 2022, where Dr. Lee also received the Faculty Innovator Award for 2022 (See Figures 1 & 2).

Isaiah Dornelus, an undergraduate in the ISE Department, graduated in May 2024 with a stellar academic record. For nearly two years, he had been an integral part of the CAESECT Lab, which focused on researching clean and sustainable energy technologies at MSU. Isaiah proved to be a valuable team member, particularly during the biochar project, which involved producing oil and biochar from poultry litter. Supported by a stipend from an NSF project grant, he gained practical and applied research experience while funding his studies.

Isaiah’s senior capstone design project, titled "Investigating the Safety Aspects Associated with Hydrogen Engine Testing," further underscored his unique contributions. When the lab decided to expand its hydrogen engine research, Isaiah, with support from a MIPS SVE Engine research grant, stepped up to meticulously identify equipment, hazards, layout, and operating procedures for the facility. His research experience and financial support enabled him to graduate with a 3.92 GPA, earning honors as a Clara Adam’s scholar during academic year of 2020-2024.

Dr. Lee’s leadership and the students' dedication exemplifies the power of innovation, team collaboration, and applied success at CAESECT Lab. Their stories highlighted the transformative impact of research grants and the relentless pursuit of knowledge in advancing clean energy technologies.

The image shows a group of people standing in a line, posing for a photo on a stage. They are holding awards and certificates, indicating that this is an award ceremony. Behind them is a large screen with a message thanking attendees for participating in the fifth annual Innovation of the Year Awards. The individuals are dressed in formal attire, including suits and dresses, creating a professional and celebratory atmosphere.