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Grant Story - Dr. Oludare Owolabi

From First-Generation Nigerian Student to "Einstein Visa" Holder: How an NSF Grant Opened Doors

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In just 20 months, Pelumi Abiodun transformed from a struggling first-generation Nigerian student to a recipient of the prestigious "Einstein visa" - a remarkable testament to the power of opportunity and mentorship. As the principal investigator on the NSF grant "Adapting an Experiment-centric Teaching Approach to Increase Student Achievement in Multiple STEM Disciplines" (ETA-STEM), I've had the privilege of guiding Pelumi's meteoric rise and witnessing firsthand how targeted funding can unlock extraordinary potential.

Pelumi is a fast learner and a quick starter who excelled immediately upon his arrival in the United States. Under my supervision, his first journal paper in our group was accepted for poster presentation at the prestigious Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting in 2023. The Workforce Development committee was so impressed that they invited Pelumi and his team to present their findings at their annual meeting, marking his first scholarly presentation on a global scale.

Pelumi's innate research passion, when met with opportunity and intellectual privileges, ignited an extraordinary trajectory. Recognizing his potential, I entrusted him with mentoring NSF graduate trainees in scholarly writing. The results were nothing short of astounding: in a mere seven months, Pelumi's team produced twelve conference papers and two poster presentations for ASEE, IEEE, and NoiseCon in 2023—an output that stands out even among seasoned researchers.

This productivity heralded a cascade of impressive achievements. At ASEE 2023, Pelumi's team clinched our group's first-ever Best Paper award in the Electrical and Computer Engineering division, their NSF-funded research showcasing both innovation and exceptional scholarship. The momentum continued with Best Presentation awards at Morgan State University's Spring into Research events in 2023 and 2024, highlighting Pelumi's growing influence and leadership. Their reach expanded rapidly, with presentations at two additional major symposiums in 2023: NIST, and the SaFety21. As an NSF research assistant in 2024, Pelumi led his team to contribute 12 more conference papers for ASEE 2024 in Portland, with one earning another prestigious Best Division Paper award.

These accomplishments, achieved under my mentorship, underscore not just Pelumi's individual growth, but his exceptional ability to elevate his entire team to award-winning standards. Their groundbreaking work has fostered collaborations with renowned institutions like the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, setting the stage for even greater innovations and recognition in the future.

Pelumi's crowning achievement came with his approval for the prestigious "Einstein visa," granted to only the top 1% of immigrants. This extraordinary recognition, secured within just 20 months of arriving in the United States, places him among an elite group of individuals with exceptional abilities in their field.

The rapid transformation from newcomer to nationally recognized talent is a testament to both Pelumi's remarkable capabilities and the transformative power of NSF-funded opportunities. As his mentor, I am immensely proud to have contributed to unlocking his limitless potential. Pelumi's journey exemplifies how targeted support can catalyze extraordinary growth and achievement in gifted individuals.

This unprecedented achievement brought national recognition to our department and university, underscoring our commitment to excellence in engineering education. Furthermore, Mr. Abiodun’s mentorship has been pivotal in advancing the research and academic success of our undergraduate and graduate students, particularly in the areas of science communication and research publication
- Dr. James Hunter, Acting Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Morgan State University

Mentees directly under him and other teams accrued their success in the internship to his thoughtful guidance and support.
– Dr. Kofi Nyarko, D.Eng., Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Director, Center for Equitable Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Systems (CEAMLS)

Working under Pelumi's supervision was a transformative experience. His ability to simplify complex concepts and his unwavering support helped me grow both personally and professionally. Pelumi's leadership is truly exceptional.
- Adebayo Olude, PhD Student, Sustainable and Resilient Engineering, Morgan State University

This image shows a group of seven people standing together in what appears to be the lobby or common area of a conference or event venue. The setting is modern, with a vibrant and professional atmosphere.