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Office of Community Services

Annette Woodroffe

Dr. Annette Woodroffe

Director, Office of Community Services

Office: Montebello Complex, D Wing, D201
Phone: 443-885-2217


MS Research Administration (biomedical) Johns Hopkins University Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, DC.

M.Div. Leadership & Community, NorthEastern Seminary, Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY.

Ph.D., Social Work Research, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD.

MSW, Practice & Programming, Programming and Supervision, Columbia University NY, NY.

B.A. (honors), Sociology with History, University of the West Indies, Barbados, West Indies

Dr. Woodroffe has a history of community partnerships and community service in academia and private and public organizations, that include Barbados. Her interdisciplinary professional education, training, and community engagement span many areas. These include community chaplaincy in emergency rooms; managing community volunteers in agencies and summer camps; grant writing/recipient, and managing pre and post awards; consultation with grass-root organizations; providing training in music leadership to religious communities; working with families in crisis caused by environmental disasters; providing alternative dispute resolution (mediation) in district courts, and working with communities in university partnerships and networks. She has a strong understanding of the pulse of diverse communities.

Dr. Woodroffe provided leadership in crystallizing program models during implementation, which resulted in numerous community organizations achieving sustainability. She is skilled at constructing assessment tools for agency evaluations, and has conducted numerous compliance reviews and outcome evaluations. She taught undergraduate and graduate courses in scientific research methods with statistics, program evaluation, cultural and ethnic diversity, and working with large and small groups in organizations and communities, at Wayne State University, Detroit and MSU. Assignments were intentionally geared towards addressing local community problems.

Dr. Woodroffe is knowledgeable in curriculum design that is community centered. She directed a 12-member faculty in sequencing of syllabi and a plan of action for developing curricula and syllabi for the newly proposed MSW social work program for submission to the MSUs graduate school (2004-2005). She developed syllabi for three specializations that were foundational to the curricula updates required for the 2008 re-accreditation. In a Council of Social Work Education/Hartford Foundation Geriatric Initiative with MSU, she managed securing support from faculty for the infusion of grant-required gerontology content in the curricula (2002-2003). Dr. Woodroffe was assigned to the SW Field Department at MSU to collaborate with the Field Education Program to update curricula and construct syllabi in preparation for the 2020 CSWE re-certification (2016-2019). She led the relaunching of the Gerontology Conference at MSU with the help of community residents, leaders, and collaborating organizations using an intergenerational focus (2002).

Recognition: Alternative Dispute Resolution Awards (ADR) for outstanding service, District Court of Maryland Baltimore City, ADR Office, 2015 to date. Award of Appreciation in Recognition of Outstanding Scholarship and Dedicated Service to the Community and the Department of Social Work, Morgan State University, 2006; Faculty Award of Appreciation from the Graduating Class of 2006. Appreciation for dedicated service to the Internal Review Board (IRB) 2002-2005, Morgan State University. Recognition of Dedication, Commitment and Diligence Resolution # 3008: Re: HIV/AIDS Prevention Program; City Council of Baltimore Maryland.

Technical and Journal Publications

Woodroffe, A. (Winter, 2007). Societal cultural competence and cultural community well-being: Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Roundtable, Winter.

McPhatter, A.R. & Woodroffe, A. (2005). Cultural competence and family well-being: Protecting Children. A Professional Publication of American Humane, 20 (1). 28-35. 

Woodroffe, A. Producer/Director, African American Grandfathers and grandfathering: A documentary. (2004).

McPhatter, A. R., Woodroffe, A., Markowitz, J. & Snowden, C. (2003). Child Welfare Reduced Caseload Project Evaluation Final Report SSA/OMS 00-01. Maryland Department of Human Resources. (Morgan State University Faculty Community Service)

Woodroffe, A. (2003). Three-Year Final Outcome Evaluation on The Family Visitation Center of the Third Judicial Circuit Court. Detroit, MI.

Woodroffe, A. & Spencer, M. (2003). Culturally and Ethnically Diverse Communities: Building Blocks for Working Relationships. Child Welfare, 92, 169-184

Woodroffe, A. (1999). Five-Year Final Process and Outcome Evaluation on the Creating Healthy Infants and Children Program: Black Family Development, Detroit MI. (Wayne State University Faculty Community Service).

Woodroffe, A. (1998). One-Year Final Outcome Evaluation on the Wayne County Family Independence Agency Family Preservation Initiative, Detroit, MI. (Wayne State University Faculty Community Service).

Woodroffe, A. (1997) Consideration in Planning for the care of children whose mothers are HIV symptomatic or have AIDS. Invited Occasional Paper, College of Urban Labor and Metropolitan Affairs, Wayne State University, Skillman Center for Children Division pp.1-8.

Groze, V., Berlin, K. & Woodroffe, A. (1992). A Family-Centered Trans agency Model for Drug-exposed and HIV -infected children. State of Maryland Department of Human Resource. Major funding for this project was provided by the Department of Health and Human Services, Abandoned Infants Assistance Programs, (pp. 1-50).

Woodroffe, A. (1979). The Bajan Sunday School. In G. Dahn (Ed.) Everyday life in Barbados: A sociological perspective. Nation Publishing Company, Barbados, West Indies.

Selected Presentations

Woodroffe, A. One of Two Guest Speakers: Juneteenth and its impact on African American history. 2023, Joint Base Andrews, MD.

Woodroffe, A. Ongoing for Over 10 Years: Presenting and Directing the Selection/ Performance of Music in Religious Institutions in MD; Young Adults Coaching on Life Circumstances and Relationships in Barbados.

Woodroffe, A. Diversity in Society, Oxford Round Table, University of Oxford, England, A Morgan State University Invited Presenter, 2006.

Woodroffe, A. How to Evaluate Unique Access Programs, The Children’s Rights Council, 14th Annual National Conference on Positive Outcomes for Children, 2006. Hanover, MD.

Woodroffe, A. HIV Conference Keynote Speaker: HIV/Aid and the family; Emphasis on the African American Adolescent 1999. Oakland County Department of Community Health, MI. (Wayne State University Faculty Community Service).