Office of Community Services
The Office of Community Services (OCS) at Morgan State University (MSU) was created in November 1993 to design, develop and implement dynamic community service programs to address the educational, social, cultural, and recreational needs of inner-city residents in Baltimore City and surrounding areas. MSU students, faculty, staff, community organizations, and youth from Baltimore City were the participants in the multidimensional and holistic programs. Each of the community service programs varied in size, structure, and focus, but shared the same goal of seeking to improve the many challenges of Baltimore's urban population, especially education.
OCS was awarded its first $200,000 grant in 2017 from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Aid to Education Program, and started its College Discovery Next Generation Scholars Program that enhanced community engagement activities already in place in OCS. The College Discovery Next Generation Scholars Program offered academic assistance, life skills, social and enrichment activities, support, and college and career readiness preparation to Baltimore City youth grades 7–12. In the first quarter of 2020, the program shifted from in-person to online learning because of the COVID 19 Pandemic.
Throughout the years of the grant, program evaluations continued to indicate improvements in the well-being of students, the development of a healthier perspective for academics, and enhanced career motivation in paths of their choice. Many students graduated from high school and started matriculating through college. MSU students, faculty, staff, and community organizations participated in positively impacting K-12 students in Baltimore City. OCS received a total of $906,800.00 and operated with a rolling staff of 8 during the last two years of the grant that ended on August 31, 2022.
OCS Community Service Pre- COVID 19
ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL MSU VISITS/TOURS: From the inception of OCS, over 2,000 students from Maryland and throughout the nation visited the campus during each school year. This exposure at an early age sought to inspire them regarding the importance of attending college in their future. Visits to this prominent HBCU (Historically Black College/University) were conducted by its students. They viewed dormitories, sports facilities, and academic buildings. They gained knowledge about pioneers of HBCUs and the college experience, which could be an incentive for them to remain in school, maintain good grades, work diligently and decide to attend college.
Beginning Fall 2023, conducting visits to the campus were transferred to the Community and Family Engagement Program in the School of Education and Urban Studies at Morgan State University. For further information, contact Mr. Walter Fields at or 443-885-3385 or c: 973-738-7876.
ASANTE was a high school private tutoring program offered 3:00 - 6:00 pm Mondays - Thursdays to 9th. - 12th graders during the Fall and Spring semesters.
AYA's focus was to enhance the self-worth of young women between the ages of 14 and 18. Female students who were randomly selected through the advice of guidance counselors in Baltimore City high schools. Empowerment through self-worth was a motivating factor to achieving academic excellence.
BROTHER 2 BROTHER, a high school private tutoring program for males only, was offered Mondays and Wednesdays 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. It was dedicated to working with male high school students throughout Baltimore City. Morgan male volunteers worked with students engaging them in activities that were designed to teach self-awareness, leadership and responsibility. Student mentors from Morgan State University helped them increase their knowledge in different areas of education. Brother to Brother provided information on conflict resolution, sex education and avoiding drug abuse.
COLOUR's mission was to use the arts to cultivate positive personal development and high self-esteem. Students from Baltimore City Public Schools were exposed to various forms of cultural and performing arts, which promoted self-confidence, character building and creative growth. The staff of Morgan students offered enrichment classes in visual arts, music, dance and drama while providing examples of positive role models to the program participants.
DYNAMIC DIVA was an innovative social program designed to help students in the areas of self-esteem, character building, confidence and self-worth. The program annually hosted a fashion extravaganza that allowed high school students to model with college students through fashion shows. Students learned about the fashion and design industry as well as modeling techniques.
JOURNEY THROUGH ACADEMIC HURDLES OTHERWISE DISTANT (JAHOD) was a mentoring program for adolescent females who attended Baltimore City Schools. It focused on personal success for females via academic success.
KUUMBA's primary goal was to reduce juvenile violence, delinquency and truancy by improving the educational performance and developing the life survival skills of juveniles. It sought to raise the educational aspiration levels of juveniles 11- 15 years, by affording them continuing exposure to the University's environment.
MORGAN VOLUNTEERS PROVIDING SUPPORT (MVPS) recruited and trained Morgan students for community service projects. It also promoted team building, civic involvement and increased the interaction between faculty, staff and students. The students who were recruited worked with several community service programs as well as programs inside the Office of Community Services to help promote positive community involvement and strong University-Community relationships
MUSIQUE was a music program that worked with middle school females in the creation of an innovative learning environment. In this environment, the middle school youth received basic vocal and instrumental instruction that empowered and instilled in them a sense of achievement and confidence. Throughout the course of the music program, the Morgan musicians and students attended and presented concerts and recitals.
MSU TUTORING CORPS provided in-school and after-school educational, social and cultural learning opportunities to students in the Baltimore area. The goal of the program was to help other programs reduce the dropout rate of African American youth in public schools. Creative tutoring, stress management, methods of problem-solving and positive communication skills were emphasized.
NIANI was an afterschool program designed to provide educational, social, cultural and leadership learning opportunities to elementary children in order to help them excel on national and statewide standardized tests.
SISTERS ADVANCING SISTERHOOD IN YOUTH (SASY) was a Big Sister-Little Sister Program for high school females. Topics that focused on health, beauty, sex, education, male-female relationships and post-secondary education were used to promote self-pride and sisterhood. A group of young Morgan women mentors provided mentoring. Activities centered around four program components.
STOMP ON HIV was a program designed to reveal the naked truth about safe sex and HIV/AIDS awareness, through interactive group sessions, positive role models, and an HIV/AIDS Resource Fair.
YAATENGA was a tutoring and mentoring program for elementary school students designed to help them in the areas of academic enrichment and excellence, social behavior, character building and mental and physical health. The program sought to provide "at risk" children with a positive academic and social atmosphere, as well as instill in them the importance of positive social behaviors and the consequences of negative behaviors.
Contact Information
Office of Community Services
Montebello Complex, D Wing, D201
2201 Argonne Dr
Baltimore, MD 21218
P: 443-885-2217
Contact Information
Office of Community Services
Montebello Complex, D Wing, D201
2201 Argonne Dr
Baltimore, MD 21218
P: 443-885-2217