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Architecture, Urbanism, and Built Environments

Student Profiles

Soroush Piri

Ph.D. Student, Architecture, Urbanism, and Built Environments

Curriculum Vitae


M.Arch, Southern Illinois University


I am a committed researcher specializing in enhancing construction safety assessments to ensure workers' well-being and structures' integrity. My expertise revolves around crafting intuitive and intelligent software solutions, encompassing extensive data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data visualization. Through the development of interactive tools and decision-support systems, I am actively involved in safety evaluations and planning processes. By amalgamating safety-centric design principles with cutting-edge construction technologies, I aim to foster safer, more efficient construction practices that prioritize the well-being of workers and the reliability of infrastructure.

List of Research Interest(s):
Intelligent Safety Assessment Models In Construction, Human-Centric Safety Solutions In Construction, Safety in Emerging Technologies In Construction, Interactive Decision Support Systems In Construction, Data-Driven Safety Planning in Construction