Visual Arts Program
Illustration Track
The Fine Arts degree with an Illustration concentration at Morgan State University focuses on the fundamental elements of communication imagery.
Much of what needs relaying lies in understanding the "language" of communication from the perspective of the viewer.
We lead students in working towards high-level rendering of objects in various media from observation in order to then manipulate those elements to relay the chosen message, whether that communication is commercial in use or if the student prefers to pursue in the direction of fine arts illustration.
Our primary purpose is to provide training that allows the student to reach their short-term goals with the understanding that there is more to achieve beyond the undergraduate level.
A minimum of 120 credit hours are required to graduate with a B.A. in Fine Art.
These credit hours are distributed as follows:
- General Education and University Requirements: 43 credits
- Liberal Arts Core Requirements: 6 credits
- Required Core Courses for the Fine Arts Major: 30 credits
- Required Courses for the Fine Art Track: 41 credits
TOTAL CREDITS: 120 credits
To qualify for graduation, students focusing in Illustration MUST:
- Pass the Juried Senior Portfolio Review,
- Completed all of their junior- and senior-level requirements in the major at Morgan (unless granted prior written permission by the Dean to take courses elsewhere);
- Earn a cumulative average of 2.0 or better and a major average of 2.0 or better, with no outstanding grades below "C" in the major (which includes all courses required for the major and required supporting courses including foreign language requirement).
Illustration students are required to take foundation courses that create the framework and support for their specific major.
Some of the required courses include
Basics of Photography (ART206) - Fundamentals of photography with emphasis upon the development of a sensitive photographic eye. Students will develop skills in film exposure, processing, and printing with an SLR camera. A manually adjustable SLR camera is required.
Advanced Illustration (ART490) - This course covers contemporary concepts in professional illustration, with emphasis on composition, style and techniques. Course work emphasizes meeting deadlines, evoking appropriate mood and realizing a concept that solves the problems presented.
Life Drawing (ART401) - Students are expected to develop skills in analyzing, understanding and articulating physical data. A broad experience with various drawing media is provided for the students' growth as an artist.
Visual Analysis (ART220) - This course provides students with the skills necessary to analyze works of art and design, to articulate complex ideas, and, then, to argue these ideas cogently in critiques, essays and verbal presentations.
Animation Workshop I (SWAN345) -Introductory theory and fundamentals of animation through lecture/screenings and production of animated short content from concept, pre-visualization, and storyboards to production and post. The course emphasizes 2D animation and motion design using After Effects, and other tools from the Adobe Creative Suite. Traditional animation techniques with pencil and paper, are also employed in this course.
Senior Studio I-II (ART495-496) - All majors must take Senior Studio. This course provides the opportunity for students to develop their portfolios, do internships, or complete long-term professional projects.
Students are also encouraged to pursue memberships and affiliations with local galleries, museums as well as join professional organizations such as the:
Society of Illustrators
Association of Illustrators (AOI)
American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA)
Directory of Illustration