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College of Liberal Arts

Behavioral & Social Science Center

BSSC building next to the business complex

The Behavioral Social Science Center (BSSC) is committed to supporting the educational and personal growth of our students with the unwavering support of our productive faculty and dedicated educators who are committed to providing opportunities for our diverse student population. Our faculty are known for their quality of teaching and research. For instance, our students have opportunities to actively engage with faculty on research projects and present their own research at local and national conferences, and engage in local internships. These opportunities not only support intellectual growth and development but also foster collaborative, sustainable partnerships with the local community in an effort to make our students more competitive for graduate school and career development.

BSSC is located at 1600 Havenwood Road, Baltimore near the intersection between Argonne Drive and Hillen Road.

It is also important to note that in line with the objectives of Morgan State University to make sure eco-friendly policies and actions are encouraged, the BSSC is one of the eco-friendliest buildings on campus with the sole objective of improving efficiency on energy, water, and materials or resources used through the application of improved and efficient modern plumbing, and installing purification systems to enable recycling.

Some of the specific features of BSSC include: A 160-seat auditorium; 14 classrooms; 21 research or instructional labs of various kinds; 4 computer labs; 5 lab studios; a specialized instructional design space; a dozen group study, testing or breakout spaces; and 90+ offices.

For more information about BSSC, please contact 443-885-3090 or email

Building Access
The building is open Monday-Friday from 7:15AM-8:15PM.

The University is committed to developing a "green cleaning" program for all housekeeping practices in the BSSC. Cleaning methods established in the University's housekeeping policy emphasize the removal of indoor pollutants while maintaining a safe, healthy environment for all workers and building occupants. Keeping BSSC and its surroundings clean is everyone's responsibility. Students, faculty, and staff are expected to clean up after themselves at all times. To help keep the spaces clean, eating and drinking is prohibited in the classrooms, labs, and seminar rooms. There are numerous trash cans and recycle bins strategically located throughout the building for trash disposal.

Building Maintenance
Please report any BSSC building maintenance issues (lighting, heating/cooling, jammed lock, etc.) to the University Physical Plant at or call 443.885.3320

First Aid
A first Aid kit is available in the Dean's office (BSSC 223).

Noise Management
Students and faculty are to be respectful of other educational activities within the core learning environment. Please keep noise to a minimum in the atrium, studio, and seating areas while classes are in session.

Smoking Policy
Morgan State University is a smoke-free campus.

The safety of the students, faculty, and staff is the highest priority for the College of Liberal Arts. With Morgan State University being an open campus, it is imperative for the health, welfare and safety of students, faculty, and staff that everyone complies with the building's hour of operations. Please report any suspicious behavior throughout the building to the BSSC Security desk, 443-885-2113 (x2113) and/or MSU Police, 443-885-3103 (x3103).