Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
General Questions
- The CARE Team provides inclusive support for all students with unmet needs to increase students’ ability to identify, reduce, and navigate barriers to their growth and well-being. We connect students directly to resources (Academic Support, Mental & Behavioral Health, Residential Assistance, Food Insecurity, etc.) and programming while creating and expanding support infrastructures.
- Yes, students can schedule an appointment with the Case Manager via Navigate.
Please log in to Navigate using your Morgan credentials (single sign-on) on the Navigate app or your computer.
- Once logged in, click Appointments → Schedule an Appointment with Us Today! (blue button in the upper right corner of the page).
- From the dropdown menus, select Student Affairs → Your Meeting Reason → Find Available Time.
- Please provide your meeting details, including your meeting type (in-person or virtual), your meeting location (Holmes Hall or virtual), and the date and time of your appointment. Leave the course blank.
- Please review your appointment details, making sure to complete any instructions provided in the details section, and then click Schedule.
- If a student is displaying the following
- distressed or disruptive behavior
- mental or behavioral health or welfare concerns
- physical health concerns, medically excused absences, or post-hospitalization (If the student is having a medical emergency, please contact 911 and MSUPD)
- housing insecurity
- food insecurity
- academic support
- reasonable accommodations
- To refer a student to the CARE Team, please complete the Student Concern Report Form
- A student’s academic or social behaviors suddenly deteriorate.
- Missing a significant number of classes in more than one subject, missing other meetings and social gatherings, and difficult to reach by phone or email.
- Disturbing, bizarre, or concerning content in writing or presentations.
- Progressive or sudden changes in physical appearance or hygiene.
- Significant changes in weight or lack of interest in food or drink.
- Noticeable cuts, burns, or bruises.
- Rapid or slurred speech/confusion.
- Change of life events, like the death of a loved one that are causing distress.
- Repeated tearfulness
- Verbal Abuse
If the student exhibits behavior that puts their own safety or the safety of others at an immediate risk, do not contact the CARE team immediately. Instead, call the Morgan State University police department at 443-885-3100 or call 911(if needed) then fill the Student of Interest Report Form.
The CARE Team does not address disciplinary issues. The CARE Team is exclusively aimed at providing resources to University students. All Student Conduct issues should be reported to Student Rights & Responsibilities by filling out the Incident Report Form.
Anyone who feels a student’s welfare or success is at risk can refer a student to the CARE Team.
- If the concerns are immediate safety concerns, please dial 911 or contact MSUPD directly at 443-885-3100. If you have a non-emergency concern for a student, please complete the Student Concern Report Form.
- When completing the Student Concern Report Form, the more information our office has, the better. Please say all you can, tell us everything about the situation, and you can add attachments to help us better serve the student. Additionally, please provide the student's full name and Student Identification Number.
- While we cannot guarantee anonymity, we will ensure to protect your privacy to the best of our ability upon your request.
- Based on the student's concerns and needs, the CARE Team will collaborate with departments and resources to support the student holistically. However, we do not disclose physical or mental healthcare diagnoses.
- The Case Manager requests the student's consent prior to discussing information disclosed during a meeting.
- No. While we are happy to help students navigate academic barriers, we leave the academic advising and concerns to our Academic Affairs, housed in the respective schools. If you're unsure who that is, we can help you connect. The Division of Student Affairs provides the resources of the Academic Enrichment Program, which provides individual and group tutoring services.
- The CARE Team does not provide clinical counseling services. We encourage students to schedule an appointment with the University Counseling Center for clinical counseling services.
- While students do not have to meet with our office to Withdraw from the University, students are welcome to schedule an appointment with the Case Manager for support in completing the form and guidance with the process. Please review the Service Request Forms for more information regarding properly submitting the Withdraw/Cancellation Request via the Student Self-Service Portal. We recommend all students review the Registration webpage for pertinent information regarding the submission process for Withdrawing from an individual course, the semester (term), or the University.
For support with returning to the University after a Leave of Absence, Medical Excused Absence, or Post Hospitalization, please schedule an appointment via Navigate using your Morgan credentials (single sign-on) on the Navigate app or your computer.
- Once logged in, click Appointments → Schedule an Appointment with Us Today! (blue button in the upper right corner of the page).
- From the dropdown menus, select Student Affairs → Your Meeting Reason (please choose Medical Excused Absence or Post-hospitalization) → Find Available Time.
- Please provide your meeting details, including the type of meeting (in-person or virtual), the location (Holmes Hall or virtual), and the date and time of your appointment. Leave the course blank.
- Please review your appointment details, complete any instructions in the details section, and click Schedule.
- If concerned about anyone’s safety or well-being, please call 911 or MSUPD (443-885-3100). Otherwise, you can report hazing or student conduct concerns by completing the Incident Report Form. The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities receives and reviews the Incident Report Form.
While it is not required, it would be helpful to communicate to the student that you want to support them by making a CARE Team referral. Let them know to lookout for contact from the CARE Team.
When a student is informed about the referral preemptively, they are more likely to engage with the CARE Team and receive adequate support.
Student Questions
- Based on the concerns and needs of the student, the CARE Team will collaborate with departments and resources to support the student holistically. However, we do not disclose physical or mental healthcare diagnoses.
- We recommend students schedule an appointment with the Academic Advisor via Navigate.
- Please meet with your Residence Hall Resident Director regarding your roommate conflict. Our colleagues in the Office of Residence Life and Housing can support your housing questions; you may contact them at 443-885-3217 or
- Additonally, you can report hazing or student conduct concerns by completing the Incident Report Form. The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities receives and reviews the Incident Report Form.
- The CARE Team can provide students with support and resources regarding a financial emergency, housing insecurity, and food insecurity based on the circumstances. We support students on a case-by-case basis. Please log into your Navigate account to schedule an appointment.
Family Questions
- The CARE Team does not provide clinical counseling services. We encourage students to schedule an appointment with the University Counseling Center for clinical counseling services.
- Mostly, it will be up to your students to relay information about how they’re doing back to you.
- We will contact you in accordance with University policy or at your student’s request. See the policies above.
- You can call us, however we may be limited on what we can share with you. We want to partner with you; however, we have limitations on what we can say or not say.
- We can reach out and encourage you to hear from them however, we cannot force them to contact you.
Faculty and Staff Questions
There are many ways to report concern for a student! You can call CARE at 443-885-3527 or email us at If the concerns are immediate safety concerns, please dial 911.
- You can expect to hear from us if we work with a student to arrange holistic support.
- If you contact our team with concerns about a student, we do recommend that you let the student know you’ve contacted us.
- If a student exhibits behaviors or communicates that they could cause harm to themselves or others, please report all information in detail by submitting the Student of Concern Report Form.
- If a student reports any form of sexual misconduct which includes: sexual assault, sexual harassment, relationship violence, stalking, gender harassment, sexual coercion, sexual exploitation, and sexual intimidation; please report the information in detail to the Title IX Coordinator.
- Aside from what you are required to report as a responsible employee, if a student shares with you that they are going through a hard time and the support they need may extend beyond what you feel able to provide please report all information in detail by submitting the Student of Concern Report Form.
No, conversations with the CARE team will not be completely private.
If your student has reasonable accommodations through the Office of Student Disability Support Services, it is the student's responsibility to provide their faculty member with their Accommodations Memo. If you have any questions or concerns about providing accommodations, please contact the Office of Student Disability Support Services directly.
Contact Information
CARE Support Team
Holmes Hall 231
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
P: 443-885-3527
Contact Information
CARE Support Team
Holmes Hall 231
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
P: 443-885-3527