Upward Bound Program

Upward Bound was developed as a result of the Economic Opportunity Act (1964). Upward Bound is one of several federal funded TRIO programs currently funded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (HEA). Upward Bound provides fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in pre-college performance and ultimately in higher education pursuits. Of the many programs authorized under the HEA, there are three Upward Bound Programs: Regular or Classic Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math and Science and Veterans Upward Bound. Regular Upward Bound serve high school students who are from families who meet federal income requirements or the parent with whom the student lives does not possess a bachelor’s degree and/or are in need of additional academic assistance. There are over 960 Upward Bound Programs which are hosted throughout the United States.
The mission of the MSU Upward Bound Program is to provide first-generation, low-income high school students with access to postsecondary education as full participants. Upward Bound seeks to increase the rates at which participants complete secondary education, enroll in and graduate from institutions of post-secondary education. The United States Department of Education mandates six outcome objectives for Upward Bound Programs:
- Academic Performance (GPA)
- Academic Improvement on Standardized Test
- Program Retention and Graduation
- Secondary School Graduation
- Postsecondary Enrollment
- Postsecondary Persistence
The MSU Upward Bound is designed to enhance the academic and personal skills of students while preparing them while in high school for college admission, retention and graduation. Additionally, students are provided opportunities to be exposed to cultural and career activities and experiences. Upward Bound is a supplementary program that enhances the regular high school curriculum. There is no cost to participants for the program.
The program will assist students to overcome barriers by providing the following services during the academic year component:
- Instruction in core curriculum subjects: English literature and composition, critical reasoning, mathematics, science and foreign language
- Individual and group academic and career
- Advisement
- Exposure to cultural activities
- Tutorial services
- Information on post-secondary educational opportunities
- Information on student financial assistance
- Assistance in completing college admission testing and college admissions and financial aid applications
- Exposure to the range of career options especially those where program participants are under-represented.
Contact Information
Upward Bound
Morgan State University
(mailing address) 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251
(campus location) 114 McKeldin Center
443-885-3448 telephone
443-885-3553 telephone
443-885-8276 fax
Contact Information
Upward Bound
Morgan State University
(mailing address) 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251
(campus location) 114 McKeldin Center
443-885-3448 telephone
443-885-3553 telephone
443-885-8276 fax