Upward Bound Program
Academic Year Component

The Academic Year Component is comprised of Saturday Enrichment Classes that assist students in improving basic skills in mathematics, science, social studies, reading and writing and foreign languages, counseling, career development and cultural activities. The After-School tutoring will be held weekly by appointment to focus on academic tutoring in SAT Preparation and college application preparation and financial aid preparation.
The Academic Year provides services that motivate students academically, college preparation, student leadership, cultural enrichment, college tours and career exploration. It is required that students actively participate in all scheduled activities as instructed throughout the school year. The goal is to be certain every student achieves their highest academic potential in each year of high school and to establish healthy habits by seeking academic support which will help sustain that success throughout college.
Participants must live in our target area or attend one of our target schools. He or she must also meet the income criteria or the first generational college student status defined by the U.S. Department of Education. Our target high schools are: Reginald F. Lewis, Mergenthaler Vocational Technical, Forrest Park, and Douglass. Target areas include zip codes 21202, 21205, 21206, 21213, 21214, 21218, 21234 and 21237.
Guaranteed Admission to Morgan
The Morgan State University Upward Bound program has established an agreement with the Office of Admissions to guarantee admission to graduating seniors who successfully complete the requirements of the Upward Bound program and who meet all other admission requirements. In order to be guaranteed admission to Morgan State University a student must have successfully completed the following:
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of "B" or greater
- Complete at least 2 years of Upward Bound participation at 80% or better
- Meet all academic and application requirements of Morgan State University.
Guaranteed admission applies to admission to the university only and does not guarantee admission to a specific major. Students who are planning to declare a major are strongly encouraged to contact the department chairperson or other university adviser for specific criteria or requirements for being accepted into the major.
After-School Tutoring
The MSU Upward Bound Program will provide after-school weekly tutoring but the parents' must schedule and assure that the student(s) will attend the tutoring sessions. The tutoring sessions will be provided at Morgan State University Upward Bound Office. After each quarter's grading period, students who have a "C" or below in any core class: math, sciences, English, histories and foreign languages for the grading period must attend after school and Saturday tutoring until the next grading period.
Community Service
The Upward Bound Program is committed to giving back to the communities in which we live and the one's that support our vision of promoting education of our participants. Each year students are required to participate in a minimum of two events (four hours each semester) totaling eight hours of service per student. Community Service is included in the point system.
Mandatory Activities for Parents
For success of the program, it is critical for parents to be involved with the program activities. Parents are required to attend fall and summer parent orientation. In addition, parents are required to attend grade level workshops throughout the school year. Finally, we expect parents to assure that students attend Saturday Sessions and after school tutoring regularly.
Contact Information
Upward Bound
Morgan State University
(mailing address) 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251
(campus location) 114 McKeldin Center
443-885-3448 telephone
443-885-3553 telephone
443-885-8276 fax
Contact Information
Upward Bound
Morgan State University
(mailing address) 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251
(campus location) 114 McKeldin Center
443-885-3448 telephone
443-885-3553 telephone
443-885-8276 fax