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The Care Support and Intervention Team strives to help students succeed by supporting their personal growth and well being, and academic achievement.

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The Office of Residence Life & Housing

The Office of Residence Life & Housing (ORLH) at Morgan State University supports and is an integral part of the educational and social development of our students. Additionally, we provide a safe and comfortable living environment that enhances the academic success and achievements of our students.

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Office of Student Life & Development

The mission of the Office of Student Life and Development (OSLD) is to foster an environment of inclusiveness, that encompasses; Co-curricular experiences, Special Events, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Weekend Life Experience, Excursions and Trainings.

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Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities

The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities has the primary responsibility to manage and direct the University's efforts in matters involving student conduct.

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Center for Career Development

The Center for Career Development is here to assist with all aspects of career planning - including self-assessment, career exploration, gaining real-world experience via internships, job search assistance and graduate school planning. Together we can make your "dream" job a reality.

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Counseling Center

The mission of the Counseling Center is to provide a mental health resource for students of Morgan State University, who are in need of information, support, consultation, and/or clinical intervention.

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Harriet A. Woolford University Health Center

The University Health Center is a primary care facility where Morgan State University students can be evaluated and treated for acute and chronic medical conditions as well as guidance on practices that promote good health and disease prevention.

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Food Resource Center

The Food Resource Center aims to educate our MSU family on healthy strategies and methods such as couponing, food prep, nutritional value and proper food selection.

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University Memorial Chapel

The University Memorial Chapel is the center of religious and spiritual life at Morgan State University. We are dedicated to serving our students, faculty, staff, and administration by ministering to the needs of the holistic person- spirit, soul, and body.

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University Student Center

The University Student Center (USC) is the premier facility for student programming, departmental seminars, community events, and special events.

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Empowering undocumented students with essential resources, guidance, and support to navigate college successfully.

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