In Maryland, a Unique Landscape for African Americans in Higher Education
As higher education institutions seek to create a pipeline and develop dynamic African American leaders, students, and alumni, they also face the challenges of attacks on DEI programs, budget concerns, and how to engage students post-COVID.
Morgan State University Students Selected for Inaugural Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT
HBCU Science Journalism Fellowship Cultivates Early-Career Science Journalists While Providing Year of Skill Building, Freelance Experience and Dedicated Mentorship
Morgan Scholars Recognized Nationally Receiving Esteemed Fellowships and Scholarship Awards
Awarding Organizations Include White House HBCU Initiative, Obama Foundation, Kirchner Foundation and the William & Lanaea C. Featherstone Foundation
Morgan State University: Journalism Power House
When DeWayne Wickham, the founding dean of the School of Global Journalism and Communication (SGJC), arrived at Morgan State University in Baltimore in 2012, the SGJC was just an idea.
Contact Information
School of Global Journalism & Communication
Jacqueline Jones, Dean
Communication Center
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-3330
F: 443-885-8322
Contact Information
School of Global Journalism & Communication
Jacqueline Jones, Dean
Communication Center
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-3330
F: 443-885-8322