School of Computer, Mathematical & Natural Sciences
Undergraduate Forms
Forms Available through the Office of the Registrar
STUDENT FORMS have changed!
These commonly used Office of the Registrar forms can be accessed via "SERVICE REQUEST" from your WEBSIS Self-Service.
Change of Academic Catalog | Change of Major/Minor Form |
Excess Credit Request Form | Time Conflict Request Form |
Permission to Take Courses Off Campus | University Withdrawal Request Form |
SCMNS Internship and Work Form
PURPOSE: Inform SCMNS academic advisors if and where you interned or worked over the summer to help improve internship placement and experiences. This form must be completed once a year.
PROCESSING TIME: Immediate Email Confirmation
INSTRUCTIONS: *Required attachment to the SCMNS Academic Advising Form*
SCMNS Academic Advising Form
PURPOSE: To ensure students are properly advised and registered on time to get the classes they need and have documentation that they can refer to.
PROCESSING TIME: Advisor Dependent
INSTRUCTIONS: (1) View "Detailed Instructions" (2) View the "Checklist"
*AY 2022-2023 SCMNS Internship and Work Form, Curriculum Sequence and Current DegreeWorks PDFs are required attachments.*
Academic Appeals Form
PURPOSE: To appeal decisions made by the department chairpersons in SCMNS.
PROCESSING TIME: Varies per situation
INSTRUCTIONS: View instructions.
*The Department C.A.R.E.S. Form must be completed and reviewed by the Chairperson before completing this form.*
Request an Override for an SCMNS Course
Override requests must be submitted to the academic department of the course. Overrides are not guaranteed, and the department chairperson's decision is final.* Please visit the department's website for more information:
*Time-conflict override requests (for courses with overlapping schedules) require the approval of both instructors and chairpersons for the courses. More information is available on the Registrar's Website.
Please note: the Department of Physics & Engineering Physics does not accept time-conflict override requests.
Contact Information
School of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
Dr. Paul Tchounwou, Dean
Dixon Science Research Center Rm 200
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-4515
Contact Information
School of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
Dr. Paul Tchounwou, Dean
Dixon Science Research Center Rm 200
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-4515