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Amber Hodges

Dr. Amber Hodges

Associate Professor & Associate Department Chairperson, Psychology

Office: BSSC 438
Phone: 443-885-4351

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Ph.D. in Psychology, Graduate School and University Center, CUNY
M.Phil. in Psychology, Graduate School and University Center, CUNY
B.S. in Psychology, Bennett College

Amber B. Hodges, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Morgan State University. Dr. Hodges was a fellow in the Leadership Development Institute supported by the Quality Education for Minority Network and the National Science Foundation. Additionally, she earned a Post-Graduate Certificate in Academic Leadership from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology through the Opportunities for Underrepresented Scholars Program funded by the National Science Foundation.

As a faculty member, Dr. Hodges has previously collaborated with researchers at the Molecular Neuropsychiatry Branch, NIDA/NIH to investigate methamphetamine-induced neuroadaptations in a rat model. This collaboration resulted in several peer-reviewed publications. Currently her research center around factors and barriers impacting STEM-efficacy, career aspirations and persistence in minority students. The aim of this research is to develop an evidence based framework which informs the development and implementation of programming within academic institutions aimed at increasing participation of underrepresented students in STEM and pursuit of STEM careers.

Dr. Hodges has also developed and implemented a STEM Preprofessional workshop series which is available to all university STEM majors. The workshop series provides participants with graduate school readiness skills and research has demonstrated that students who participate in the workshop series gain foundational graduate school readiness skills, STEM self-efficacy, persistence and career aspirations. Dr. Hodges has authored a book chapter detailing this program. In addition, Dr, Hodges developed and directed the MSU Influencers, A Second Year Experience Program. The program provided second year students with experiential learning opportunities allowing them to practice strategies and resources to improve academic performance. Dr. Hodges has mentored and trained undergraduate students for over ten years and incorporates student researchers in all her current projects. She has also authored book chapters detailing her leadership journey in higher education and co-authored a chapter describing successful mentoring models undergirded by psychology theories. She has received several teaching awards and honors including the Morgan State University Faculty Teaching Award.

Area of Specialization: underrepresented minorities in STEM, STEM persistence, STEM self efficacy, mentoring, professional development
Secondary Area of Specialization: behavioral neuropharmacology

Undergraduate Courses Taught: Senior Thesis I and II, Introduction to Behavioral Pharmacology, Physiological Psychology, Honors General Psychology, General Psychology