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Richard Damoah

Dr. Richard Damoah

Assistant Professor, Physics

Office: Calloway Hall 212
Phone: (443) 885-3316

Group Members

Damoah's Team

Dr. Antony Kinyua (Physics Department)

Giovanni G. Lawrence (Industrial Engineering)

Oluwaseun Okubanjo (Computer Science)

Martin A. Adu-Boahene (Information Systems)

Joshua Okwaisie (Industrial Engineering)

Research Interest

I am an Associate Research Scientist with the Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center, affiliated to Morgan State University. My task is on Chemistry-Climate Modeling as well as Lagrangiam modeling.

PDF2 I was on a project called CANDAC (Canadian Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Change). My work is to perform a Lagrangian modelling using FLEXPART and FLEXTRA to determine the sources of the atmospheric trace gases measured at CANDAC station at Eureka. I am based at University of Waterloo.

My first postdoc (PDF1) was on producing and validating coupled stratospheric/tropospheric chemistry-climate model, by combining the SLIMCAT (stratospheric) and STOCHEM (tropospheric) chemistry schemes in the UM. This is a joint project between University of Edinburgh and University of Leeds. I am also MOZAIC Co-Investigator.

For my ph.d. I worked with a modelling group on PARTS Particles in the upper Troposphere and lower Stratosphere and their role in the climate system from biomass burning point of view at Technical University of Munich. The project was within the European Research Framwork 5 of the European Commission.

During my masters at University of Bremen, I worked with the GOME, Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment group. Funding was from the German Ministry of Education, Bremen State, European Union and European Space Agency.

Research Projects

Select a project for more details.

CCMval ECOHealth-RVF Volcanic Transport


(ARROW Club)

Trajectory Forecast
ACCRI NSF-HBCU MSU Weather Station

Nosrat C, Altamirano J, Anyamba A, Caldwell JM, Damoah R, Mutuku F, et al. (2021) Impact of recent climate extremes on mosquito-borne disease transmission in Kenya. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 15(3), e0009182,

Kwabena Fosu-Amankwah, Geoffrey E.Q. Bessardon, Emmanuel Quansah, Leonard K. Amekudzi, Babara J. Brooks, Richard Damoah, Assessment of aerosol burden over Ghana, Scientific African, Volume 14, 2021, e00971, ISSN 2468 2276,

Jamie M. Caldwell, A. Desiree LaBeaud, Eric F. Lambin, Anna M. Stewart-Ibarra, Bryson A. Ndenga, Francis M. Mutuku, Amy R. Krystosik, Efraín Beltrán Ayala, Assaf Anyamba, Mercy J. Borbor-Cordova, Richard Damoah, Elysse N. Grossi-Soyster, Froilán Heras Heras, Harun N. Ngugi, Sadie J. Ryan, Melisa M. Shah, Rachel Sippy, & Erin A. Mordecai, Climate predicts geographic and temporal variation in mosquito-borne disease dynamics on two continents, Nat. Commun., 12, 1233, 2021

Melisa M. Shah, Amy R. Krystosik, Bryson A. Ndenga, Francis M. Mutuku, Jamie M. Caldwell, Victoria Otuka, Philip K. Chebii, Priscillah W. Maina, Zainab Jembe, Charles Ronga, Donal Bisanzio, Assaf Anyamba, Richard Damoah, Kelsey Ripp, Prasanna Jagannathan, Erin A. Mordecai, A. Desiree LaBeaud, Malaria smear positivity among Kenyan children peaks at intermediate temperatures as predicted by ecological models, Parasites & Vectors,, 2019

Zenaida Sobral Mourao, Daniel Dennis Konadu, Richard Damoah, and Pei-hao Li, Assessment of air quality and climate co-benefits of decarbonisation of the UK energy system using remote sensing and model simulations - the case for prioritizing end uses in urban areas, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-18374-1, 2017

Doyle, J. G., G. Lesins, C. P. Thackray, C. Perro, G. J. Nott, T. J. Duck, R. Damoah, and J. R. Drummond (2011), Water vapor intrusions into the High Arctic during winter, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L12806, doi:10.1029/2011GL047493.

Wenshou Tian, Martyn P. Chipperfield, David S. Stevenson, Richard Damoah, Sandip Dhomse, Anu Dudhia, Hugh Pumphrey, and Peter Bernath: The Effects of Stratosphere-Troposphere Chemistry Coupling on Tropospheric Ozone, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00M04, doi:10.1029/2009JD013515, 2010.

Kuhn, T., Damoah, R., Bacak, A., and Sloan, J. J.: Characterizing aerosol transport into the Canadian High Arctic using aerosol mass spectrometry and Lagrangian modelling, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 10489-10502, 2010.

R. Damoah, N. Spichtinger, R. Servranckx, M. Fromm, E. Eloranta, I. Razenkov, P. James, M. Shulski, C. Forster, A. Stohl: A case study of pyro-convection using a transport model and remote sensing data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 173-185, 2006.

Ansmann, A., I. Mattis, D. Muller, U. Wandinger, M. Radlach, D. Althausen, and R. Damoah: Ice formation in Saharan dust over central Europe observed with temperature/humidity/aerosol Raman lidar, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D18S12, doi:10.1029/2004JD005000, 2005.

Damoah, R.; Spichtinger, N.; Forster, C.; James, P.; Mattis, I.; Wandinger, U.; Beirle, S.;Wagner, T.; Stohl, Around the world in 17 days - hemispheric -scale transport of forest fire smoke from Russia in May 2003, Atmos. Chem.Phys., 4, 1311-1321, 2004.

Stohl, O. R. Cooper, R. Damoah, F. C. Fehsenfeld, C. Forster, E.-Y. Hsie, G. Hubler, D. D. Parrish, M. Trainer; Forecasting for a Lagrangian aircraft campaign Atmos. Chem. Phys. , 4, 1113-1124, 2004.

Spichtinger, N.; Damoah, R.; Eckhardt, S.; Forster, C.; James, P.; Beirle, S.; Wagner, T.; Novelli, P. C.; Stohl, Boreal forest fires in 1997 and 1998: A seasonal comparison using transport model simulations and measurement data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 4, 1857-1868, 2004.