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Department of Physics & Engineering Physics


Welcome to our Physics Forms page to assist with our student's most common requests. Please feel free to reach out to our office by phone or email if you have questions. We are here to help!

Note: Our forms are Docusign documents. Requests that are initiated and NOT completed within two business days will be deleted. 

IQuEST Summer 2024 Program Registration

For more information about our programs, please check out our programs page!

 Program is IN-PERSON and includes live instruction.

  • Program is available for middle school, and high school.
  • If you have any questions, please reach out to:
  • Click here to complete registration

C.A.R.E.S. Form

Physics C.A.R.E.S. replaces our former Student Request form and is a document created to better serve our students because our Physics team strives toward Courtesy, Accountability, Responsiveness, Efficiency & Service.  If you need an appointment to speak with our Chair to help resolve an issue with a specific class, faculty, or staff, you can complete this confidential form.  

Note: Do not open multiple forms. If you need to view the document first, click on the corresponding pdf.

Physics Academic Advising

(Physics & Engineering Physics majors only)

This form is to be completed for the Physics Chair before your 30-minute appointment. It is a Docusign document requiring only your student information and current course schedule. If you were not enrolled in classes the past semester, use your most recent semester to aid in your session. The Chair will not offer to advise unless you are a Physics or Engineering Physics major. If you are having difficulty with a specific issue, please use the above C.A.R.E.S. form to address your concerns.

Note: Do not open multiple forms. If you need to view the document first, click on the corresponding pdf.

Send inquiries to

Override Form

Override (Short Form)

Complete this override request if you are requesting to take/re-take ONE physics lecture or physics lab on its own. The courses specifically are PHYS 203, PHYS 203L, PHYS 204, PHYS 204L, PHYS 205, PHYS 205L, PHYS 206, PHYS 206L.  Your advisor's signature is NOT requiredCapacity overrides are NOT granted.

All override requests MUST be submitted 48 hours prior to the last day of registration. Any request received after this time WILL BE DENIED

Note: Do not open multiple forms. If you need to view the document first, open this pdf.

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Override (Standard Form)

All Physics (PHYS) and Earth Science (EASC) courses except for those listed above (PHYS 203-PHYS 206 and their corresponding Labs)

Some important information before completing the standard Override form:

  • Override requests for schedule conflicts OR full classes (capacity overrides) are not granted.
  • Your request must be reviewed, approved, and signed by your advisor or Chair. If you cannot attach an advising form, have your advisor reach out to the Chair directly. Requests should NOT be emailed to the Physics Chair directly by the student.
  • Please DO NOT submit more than once. If you prefer to see the actual form before completing a request, click here to view a pdf. (Do not submit this copy)
  • If you receive approval, register for your desired course immediately. Your approval does not guarantee a space if you delay and classes fill.
  • ONE Override approval is extended per student for the semester. If you receive approval, there will be no changes. Be clear and offer all information on your request for the Chair to make an informed decision. 
  • Your Override submission is a request to the Physics Chair and can be denied. If you do not receive approval please review the comments and explanation carefully for guidance.

*Dates are decided by the Department Chair and may need to change without notice based on department need.

Send inquires to

Registrar Forms

All forms on the following list are available through the Office of the Registrar. Please click the link to access the following online forms and more!:

Change of Academic Catalog Petition
Change of Major/Minor Form
Duplicate Diploma Request Form
Enrollment/Degree Verification Request Form
Exception to Enrollment Policy Appeal Request
Excess Credit Request Form
Official Transcript Request
Personal Information Update Request Form
Re-Admission Application
Residency Reclassification Petition
Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver
Time Conflict Request Form
University Withdrawal Request Form