Office of Student Success & Retention
Academic Improvement Mandate

“Success waits patiently for anyone who has the determination and strength to seize it” - Booker T. Washington
Academic probation (also sometimes referred to as “unsatisfactory academic performance”) is a university designation for students whose cumulative grade point average falls below a 2.0. Any Morgan State undergraduate student whose cumulative grade point average falls below a 2.0 is automatically placed on academic probation and is included in the Academic Improvement Mandate (AIM).
Students on academic probation are restricted to taking 15 credits per semester and may face other limitations and consequences including but not limited to the loss of financial aid, scholarships, funding opportunities and access to various university events and programs. Morganites who do not show marked academic improvement while on academic probation may face dismissal from the university.
Students on Academic Probation are not only mandated to show academic improvement but are required to attend coaching sessions AIM coach while on academic probation. This is designed to promote a partnership for student success, academic wellness, and matriculation to graduation.
When meeting with your AIM coach, we place emphasis on reinforcing the three Ps of persistence and discovering the three D’s of success.
Morganites who have attempted 24 credit hours and are on academic probation are required to meet with and connect regularly with an AIM success coach. Undergraduate Morganites needing academic encouragement or motivation are welcome and invited to schedule an academic coaching appointment via Navigate; however, preference is given to those on academic probation.
Be sure to check your email! Morganites who have attempted a minumum of 24 credit hours and have a grade point average below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation, and will receive regular communication from our AIM success coaches about how to schedule an appointment via Navigate. If you have questions about navigating academic probation or would like more information about AIM email
Contact Information
Office of Student Success and Retention
Morgan State University
Tyler Hall, Suite 116
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
P: 443-885-3651
F: 443-885-8347
Contact Information
Office of Student Success and Retention
Morgan State University
Tyler Hall, Suite 116
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
P: 443-885-3651
F: 443-885-8347