ALEK Placement Testing
All first-time freshmen at Morgan State University are required to take the ALEKS mathematics placement examination to determine their course placement. Students are required to take courses as indicated by the results of their placement examination. Students must earn grades of "C" or better in all developmental courses.
When ACCESS Orientation begins, the ALEKS instructions along with the ALEKS access code will be sent to incoming freshmen who have registered for the ACCESS Orientation Program. Please email if you have any questions in reference to placement testing.
Introducting Morgan's free ALEKS online math placement exam prep course!
All Morgan freshman are required to take a mathematics placement exam, this year freshmen can participate in an online math prep course from home.
- Initial math placement plays a key role in the success of students in all majors
- Great for students who can work from home or are out of state or overseas
- Only requires about 2-3 hours of time on a daily basis
- Focuses on improving skills in Arithetic, College Algebra, and Trigonometry
- Helps freshman students avoid being placed in Development Math (Math 106), a 3-credit prep course that does not count toward graduation requirements
- Includes up to four practice math placement exams with online remediation modules
- Register for the ACCESS Orientation Program, before May 15, 2022, and receive an onine access code for the ALEKS online placement exam prep course.
What Is ALEKS?
ALEKS Placement, Preparation and Learning (ALEKS PPL) offers Morgan State University a complete solution for math placement and course preparedness. Combining a research-based, accurate placement assessment with personalized learning tools to help students refresh on lost knowledge, ALEKS PPL gives incoming freshman students at Morgan the opportunity to succeed before they even begin class.
Contact Information
Office of Student Success and Retention
Morgan State University
Tyler Hall, Suite 116
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
P: 443-885-3651
F: 443-885-8347
Contact Information
Office of Student Success and Retention
Morgan State University
Tyler Hall, Suite 116
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
P: 443-885-3651
F: 443-885-8347