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Questions the Self-Study Seeks to Answer

Given its growth and accomplishments since the 2008 MSCHE team visit and report, this Self-Study is intended to answer questions concerning the following trends impacting Morgan's future growth and development:

1. Past Accomplishments and Future Direction
A. What have been Morgan's major accomplishments and/or areas of growth in the last ten years?
B. How might these accomplishments or areas of growth inform the development of new instructional delivery programs, such as online    degrees or certificate programs?
C. Should the University consider the creation of branch campuses and/or the creation of new instructional sites?

2. Student Diversity and Development
A. In the face of an increasingly more diverse student body, how can the University best match student support services to students' emotional, social, developmental and physical needs?
B. Also, how can the University insure the quality of student learning outcomes for all students?

3. Policies and Procedures
A. What existing institutional policies, procedures, traditions and structures need to be amended, strengthened, or removed to insure that Morgan remains true to its current mission and vision statements?
B. What new policies and procedures need to be established to insure that Morgan remains true to its current mission and vision statements?

4. Communication and Dissemination
A. Is Morgan's administration currently communicating the University's mission, vision, core values, policies, procedures and traditions to its faculty, staff, students and alumni in an efficient and effective manner?
B. What are the most effective and efficient means of disseminating timely information to the campus community, the public, stakeholders and other constituents?