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Office of Financial Aid


Scholarships are gifts. They don't need to be repaid. There are thousands of them, offered by schools, employers, individuals, private companies, nonprofits, communities, religious groups, and professional and social organizations. The scholarship search and application process takes time, but it can pay off. Students can receive multiple scholarships as long as the combined totals don't exceed their cost of attendance. 

Institutional Scholarships

These awards are available on a limited basis to new and continuing Morgan students, and they are based on need and academic average. Award amounts vary and are not guaranteed. 

Scholarship Acceptance

Students awarded full academic, institutional, or athletic scholarships are not eligible to receive other MSU institutional awards. If multiple full awards are offered from separate MSU offices, programs, and/or committees, students will be required to select only one award offer.

Additional Funding

Students may also apply for scholarships and grants through the University's Academic Works online application. Students who receive the Bozeman, Quinn, or Jenkins awards are not eligible to receive the Special Assistance award through Academic Works, but may be eligible for other awards. These need based funds may be reduced or canceled if other institutional aid is received that exceeds the actual cost. 

Award Payment and Financial Aid in Excess of Charges (Overawards)

Your total combined financial aid including academic/merit awards, academic grants and scholarships, University need-based awards, and all of your other aid from all sources (government, MSU, and private) cannot exceed your MSU Cost of Attendance budget.

If your total aid is comprised of all University funded awards and your total aid exceeds the cost of attendance your funding will be adjusted until your total aid falls within the cost of attendance.

If your total aid exceeds the cost of attendance, we will start by reducing your loans, then University funding, and finally any other outside funds until your total aid falls within the cost of attendance.

View information on Cost of Attendance.

Additional information on Overawards

Overawards are usually the result of the student receiving aid that the Financial Aid Office was not aware of when it completed the student's financial aid package and/or processed a loan application for the student. It is the student's responsibility to provide written documentation indicating additional resources to the Financial Aid Office. This should be done as soon as the student becomes aware that he or she will receive the aid. We must account for all sources of aid, even if they are not processed directly through our office.
Overawards can also result from application errors by the student or, occasionally, by the Financial Aid Office. Regardless of the reason for the overaward, we are bound by Federal regulation to correct the overaward, which may result in funds being returned to an aid program and a student owing the university money. Exceptions cannot be made for anyone.

Troy E. Quinn Merit Award

Students entering Morgan State University beginning Fall 2020 as a first-time Freshmen for the fall semester, full-time degree-seeking will be automatically considered for the Troy E. Quinn Award (up to $6,000 per year). For best award consideration, applicants should submit an application by December 1st.  For more information, go to Students applying after December 1st will be considered pending funding availability. This award is not available for spring admits.

Eligibility for Institutional Awards is based on academic credentials provided at the time of application for admission. Only students who enroll in the fall as full-time, degree-seeking students will be eligible.

Award Maintenance Requirements

For the Troy E. Quinn Award, students must enroll in a minimum of 12 credits per semester (though 15 credits is strongly encouraged), and must maintain a cumulative gpa of 2.0. Awards will be given for up to 8 consecutive semesters (fall and spring only). Reviews for award renewals are completed each semester. Renewal appeals will be managed on a case-by-case basis.

IMPORTANT NOTE! The University reserves the right to revise award packages at any time due to the receipt of additional information, verification, academic progress issues or human error. If changes to a student's financial aid package are required, a revised Award Notification from the Office of Financial Aid will be sent to the student's official MSU email address.

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J.C Bozeman Need Grant

Students entering Morgan State University beginning Fall 2020 as a first-time Freshmen for the fall semester, full-time degree-seeking will be automatically for the J.C Bozeman Award (up to $2,000 per year; non-Maryland residents only).For best award consideration, applicants should submit an application by December 1st.  For more information, go to Students applying after December 1st will be considered pending funding availability. This award is not available for spring admits.

Award Maintenance Requirements

For the J. C. Bozeman Grant, students must enroll in a minimum of 12 credits per semester (though 15 credits are strongly encouraged). Students must file the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) each year, including completing the verification process if required. For the J. C. Bozeman Grant, the award is for non-Maryland residents only and the amount of the award as well as eligibility is subject to change annually based on EFC (expected family contribution) or SAI (Student aid index). Awards will be given for up to 8 consecutive semesters (fall and spring only).

IMPORTANT NOTE! The University reserves the right to revise award packages at any time due to the receipt of additional information, verification, academic progress issues or human error. If changes to a student's financial aid package are required, a revised Award Notification from the Office of Financial Aid will be sent to the student's official MSU email address.

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Honors Scholarships

These awards are available to entering freshman with high SAT scores and honors high school grade point
averages. Awards are automatically renewable with required grade point average and adherence to the terms
of the honors contract.

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Athletic Grants

These grants are available to selected participants on intercollegiate athletic teams. Amounts vary and are
determined by the University Athletic Department. For details, students should contact the Athletics Office.

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ROTC Scholarships

Four-year Army ROTC scholarships are offered by the U.S. Army to selected high school seniors who desire to
pursue a military career. These scholarships pay for all tuition, books, and laboratory fees and provide a $100
monthly allowance. Applications are accepted from July 1st until December 1st of each year. Three, two and
one-year scholarships are awarded to college freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, respectively, on a
competitive basis. For details, students should contact the chairperson if the Military Science Department.
For more information, visit the Morgan State University ROTC.

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Continuing and Professional Studies (CCPS)

The Center for Continuing and Professional Studies (CCPS) provides scholarships and tuition assistance for qualified adult/non-traditional students. Among the scholarship and tuition assistance programs offered through CCPS are: The Bernard Osher Foundation Scholarship Program, The Crankstart Reentry Scholarship Program, Improved Opportunities for Parents Program, and Dr. Beryl W. Williams Scholarship.

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Near Completers Grant

The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) is offering an opportunity for Maryland residents, who started a degree but did not finish, a financial incentive to complete their degree by having the state help pay for tuition. The Near Completer Grant is available for the 2020-2021 academic year to eligible applicants not currently enrolled at a post-secondary institution, but who NOW plans to re-enroll at an institution to finish their degree.

Eligible applicants must have previously attended a: public two-year post-secondary institution or public four-year post-secondary institution and completed a required number of college credits, having previously earned a cumulative minimum grade point average of 2.0.

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Residential Scholarships and Grants:

Maryland Higher Education Commission Scholarships (MHEC)

DC Tuition Assistance Grant (DCTAG)

DC College Access Program (DC-CAP)

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Study Abroad Opportunities

Morgan State has established over 30 international partnerships with institutions in Brazil, China, Ghana, Tanzania, Botswana, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and the Caribbean. In addition, we have partnered with some of the best third-party organizations to provide a wide range of opportunities for you to choose from to study abroad.

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External Scholarships and Grants  

Resources for Undocumented and DACA Students

National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA) Scholarship Program

College Scholarship


Gates Millennium

Tom Joyner Foundation

ETS Presidential Scholarship


HBCU Connect

U.S. Department of Energy



College Board Online

Congressional Black Caucus



Astronaut Scholarship Foundation-STEM Majors

International Students

Kappa Youth & Community Foundation's (KYCF) scholarship

DE-DC-MD Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Scholarship

Nancy Etz Scholarship

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