Department of Construction Management
Message from Program Director
Recent trends in the competitive global market dictate that construction management students must manage at higher levels of sophistication. This is especially important at the graduate level where the focus of education is on "management." For many construction companies, a degree in construction management (CM) is a prerequisite to any management position. According to the 2018-2019 U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook, "employers - particularly large construction firms - continue to prefer individuals who combine industry work experience with a bachelor's degree in construction management." The purpose of the MSCM degree is to elevate this level of training and education to a higher level such that middle and upper-level managers understand the complexities of construction projects and are able to enhance their skills in managing activities and people in the construction site.
We have various plans of studies for students who opt to go part-time or full-time. Classes are scheduled at night so that working professionals can continue working full-time while still taking classes at night. The MSCM degree curriculum is designed to have significant courses in Project Management in addition to offering electives from Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Architecture.
The following pages outline our program's mission, admission requirements and application process, and curriculum. We welcome you to visit the website of Graduate Program in Construction Management, and if you are a prospective student I urge you to visit us at our Center for Built Environment and Infrastructure Studies at Morgan State University's campus. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments about our program.
Kamalesh Panthi, Ph.D.
Director, Graduate Program in Construction Management
Department of Construction Management
School of Architecture and Planning, Morgan State University
O: CBEIS 338
P: 443.885.2769