Information Technology
Alumni Email

Morgan Alumni Email -- Yours for Life
Congratulations, Morgan Graduate, you're an alumni. You now have a Morgan Alumni email account that's yours for life.
About Your Alumni Email Account:
Your new Alumni email account will replace your current MSU student Google email account. After 2 years from the date of Commencement (or your last enrollment date), your current University student email account will be purged in accordance with our procedures. This means you will not be able to access university resources such as WebSIS, Canvas, Google Apps (e.g., Gmail, Calendar, Google Drive), etc. once your account is purged. For more information read our Student Account Management Procedures.
How to Access Your Alumni Email Account
Your Alumni Email Address is
You should have received your username in an email from the DIT Service Desk, as well as in a letter from the Alumni Office. If you do not know your username, contact the Office of Alumni Relations, 443-885-3015.
Initial Password
Use the following format for your initial alumni email account password:
First initial of your first name (capitalized) + first initial of your last name (in lowercase) + your 8-digit student ID + two exclamation marks
Example: John Doe, Student ID#01234567 would be Jd01234567!!
Login Page
Transfer Your Student Morgan Email (Optional)
You may transfer your old Morgan email in-box messages to your new Alumni Account. If you need assistance or have questions, you may contact the Morgan Service Desk at 443-885-HELP (4357); assistance will be provided up to 30 days beyond your graduation date.
Video: How to Transfer your Morgan Email to your Alumni Email Account
PDF: How to Transfer your Morgan Email to your Alumni Email Account
Change/Manage Your Alumni Email Password
Your Alumni email password will not expire. If you would like to change your password, click on the avatar in the top right corner of the alumni email page, choose "My Account," select "Sign in and Security," and then "Password." You may also contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 443-885-3015.