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Advanced Studies, Leadership & Policy


Dr. Rona Frederick

Associate Professor, Urban Educational Leadership, Advanced Studies, Leadership & Policy

Office: Banneker 315O
Phone: (443) 885- 2504

Dr. Frederick Curriculum Vitae


B.S. Psychology, Hampton University
M.P.S. Africana Studies, Cornell University
Ph.D. Teacher Education & Curriculum and Instruction, University of Maryland, College Park

Dr. Rona Frederick is a scholar-activist with over 20 years of experience in higher education. She began her career as a middle school teacher in Houston, TX, and Washington, D.C., before transitioning into academia.  She was also the co-founder of both a charter school and a Saturday school. Additionally, she has co-facilitated the Washington, D.C., Educational Policy and Leadership Program (DC EPFP).

Dr. Frederick brings an exceptional blend of research expertise, K-16 teaching experience, and administrative skills to her work, applying culturally responsive practices to address critical issues in Black education, from early childhood through adult learning. She consults with schools, districts, and nonprofits, providing guidance on continuous program quality improvement using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to advance outcomes for students, teachers, parents, and communities.

Her scholarship includes more than a dozen peer-reviewed articles on culturally responsive teaching and best practices for children of African descent. She is also the author of Navigating School Admissions 101: A Guide for African American Parents. In 2022, Dr. Frederick was awarded the Ingrid Merkel Award for Excellence in Teaching by the School of Arts and Sciences at The Catholic University of America. In 2024, her book, A Soul-Centered Approach to Educating Teachers: A Black Education Network (ABEN), received an honorable mention for the Outstanding Book Award from the Society of Professors of Education.

Dr. Frederick holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Hampton University, a Master’s degree in Professional Studies with a focus on Africana Studies and Evaluation from Cornell University, and a Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on teacher education, qualitative research, evaluation, and equity from the University of Maryland, College Park.

Research Interests
Culturally Responsive Teaching, African-Centered Education, Best Practices in Black Education, Qualitative Research and Evaluation

Selected Publications

Frederick, R. & Shockley, K (2023). A Soul-Centered Approach to Educating Teachers: A Black Education Network (ABEN) Meyers Education Press.