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Advanced Studies Leadership & Policy

Gretchen Rudham

Dr. Gretchen Rudham

Assistant Professor, Urban Educational Leadership , Advanced Studies Leadership & Policy

Office: Banneker 315B
Phone: (443) 885-1984

Dr. Rudham Curriculum Vitae


B.A. English, College of  William & Mary 

M.A. English, University of Cape Town 

Ed.D. Urban Education, Morgan State University

A proud Morgan State University graduate, Dr. Gretchen Rudham earned her doctorate in 2012 in Urban Educational Leadership with a Social Policy concentration, receiving both the 2014 Howard L. Simmons Outstanding Dissertation Award, and the 2015 Distinguished Alumni Award for her work with the Black Male Think Tank.

Dr. Rudham brings nearly 20 years of experience teaching urban education, from out-of-school youth in Baltimore's GED programs to first-year college students at the Community College of Baltimore County. Prior to teaching in Baltimore, she studied and taught at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. Dr. Rudham's research interests include social justice leadership, and Critical Race Theory as applied to dismantling white supremacy in curriculum, schools and society.

Research Interests:  Social justice leadership,  Curriculum theory,  Digital Humanities,  Technology & Futurism

Selected Publications:  

Rudham, G.B. & Logan-Washington, C. (2021).  Sitting Bull: Art is life and life is art. In Kaka, S.J.  (Ed.). History or Hollywood?: An inquiry-based  strategy for using film to teach about inequality  and equity throughout history. Information Age Press. 

Logan-Washington, C. & Rudham, G.B. (2021).  Redress and restore: The search for founding  Black mothers. In Samuels, A & G. Samuels  (Eds.), Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in the  Social Sciences. Information Age Press.