Actuarial Science Program
Prospective Students
According to U.S. News Best Jobs Rankings, the actuarial profession is ranked #6 in business jobs and #14 in best STEM jobs. The median salary is $101,560 and the unemployment rate is 1.4%.
The design of the Actuarial Science Program at Morgan State University provides students with various degree options, which allows students to explore the actuarial science field as well as the flexibility to apply these risk assessment and management concepts within other disciplines. The program offers a Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science, a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with a concentration in Actuarial Science as well as a minor in Actuarial Science. The curricula sequences in all degree options allow students to apply actuarial skills to their chosen career field, aid in the preparation for exams as well as the option of completing all/most of their Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) courses before graduation.
Benefits to Students:
- Opportunities for full and partial tuition scholarships for qualified students
- Opportunity for internships
- Professional and academic mentoring
- Opportunities to attend professional development workshops
- Opportunities to build professional networks with partnering companies
Program Requirements:
- Undergraduates enrolled full-time or part-time in a declared major.
- Maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative G.P.A. and 2.5 major G.P.A.
- Attend professional development workshops
Active Participation in:
- Actuarial Science Program Events
- Gamma Iota Sigma Fraternity
Sponsors and Partners:
We are very grateful for our sponsors who provide scholarships and resources to help our students succeed.
Symetra Life Insurance Partner with Morgan State University for New National Initiative to promote Diversity in Actuarial Science
The Standard Partners with Morgan State University to Promote Diversity in Actuarial Science
Wakely Consulting Group, an HMA Company, and Morgan State University announce new actuarial science scholarship opportunity
Aegon Transamerica Foundation Champions Next Generation of Actuaries at Morgan State University
Celebrating Student Success at Morgan State University
General Grant Program Partner:

Contact Information
Key Hall Rm 165
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-1393
F: 443-885-8216
Contact Information
Key Hall Rm 165
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-1393
F: 443-885-8216