Travelers Edge
Travelers EDGE® (Empowering Dreams for Graduation and Employment) aims to increase the number of underrepresented students who complete a bachelor's degree and who are prepared for a career at Travelers Insurance or a career in the insurance and financial services. Travelers EDGE® is a comprehensive scholarship program that provides its scholars with tuition assistance, academic advising, professional development, mentoring, and internship opportunities. Since 2008, the Travelers Companies and Morgan State University have worked together to help students further their academic ambitions and career goals. The Travelers EDGE® program supports students in the Graves Honors Program, Actuarial Science Program, and the School of Engineering.

Travelers EDGE® Scholars at the Travelers EDGE Professional Development Institute January 2018
Travelers EDGE® scholars travel to Hartford, Connecticut every year for professional development workshops and opportunities to network with Travelers employees.

Travelers EDGE® Graduation and New Scholar Induction May 2019
Contact Information
Travelers EDGE®
Emily Caballero, Program Advisor
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
P: 443.885.4961
Contact Information
Travelers EDGE®
Emily Caballero, Program Advisor
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
P: 443.885.4961