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School of Graduate Studies


The Academic Event Reporting System, or AERS form, is designed for Graduate Program Directors and Graduate Advisors to report information about students within their academic area and/or those that they advise.

Starting here, the FOUNDATION forms that declare advisors, provide curriculum mapping, and define a research path may be generated:

  • FOUNDATION: Assign Pre-Candidacy Curricular Advisor (GPD)
  • FOUNDATION: Plan of Curricular Study (ADV)
  • FOUNDATION: Assign of Pre-Candidacy Research Advisor (GPD)
  • FOUNDATION: Plan of Research Experience (ADV)
  • FOUNDATION: Professional Development Plan (ADV)               

UPDATE forms may be generated to tell the School of Graduate Studies about your student's progress within the program, report qualifying exam performance, provide annual feedback to your Candidate's toward completion, or even contact the School of Graduate studies to request assistance with challenges you are having:

  • UPDATE: Pre-Candidacy Student Progress Report (ADV)
  • UPDATE: Program Action Report (GPD)
  • UPDATE: Report of Qualifying Exam (ADV)

Using the ADVANCED forms, you may start processes that define and qualify the threshold moments within the formal Candidacy timeframe:

  • ADVANCED: Declaration of Committee (ADV)
  • ADVANCED: Declaration of Candidacy (ADV)
  • ADVANCED: IRB Status Report & Documentation (ADV)
  • ADVANCED: Thesis/Dissertation Semester Workplan (ADV)
  • ADVANCED: Candidate Annual Report (ADV)

Using this system will generate a DocuSign form to be completed. They will follow predetermined routing and provide important information for the efficient and dynamic paths your students take.



To get started, simply enter the smartsheets Faculty dashboard or Advisor dashboard in the srvice request area and click on SGS AERS Form in the upper left hand box of the page; these are the same dashboards you would enter to submit requests for subsitutions, waivers, or even grade changes.  Instructions for how to navigate to the FACULTY/ADVISOR dashboards can be found in the following link: SERVICE REQUEST INSTRUCTIONS.