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School of Community Health & Policy

Bahram Faraji

Dr. Bahram Faraji

Associate Professor, School of Community Health & Policy

Office: Jenkins 328
Phone: 443-885-4252

University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
Major: Nutritional Science
Degree: Doctor of Public Health (Dr. PH)

University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
Major: Nutritional Science
Degree: Master of Public Health (MPH)

Shiraz University School of Medicine, Shiraz, Iran
Major: Biochemistry
Degree: Master of Science (MS)

Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Major: Chemistry
Degree: Bachelor of Science (BS)

California State University, Los Angeles, California
Major: Dietetics and Nutrition
Registered Dietitian; CDR Registration Number 724070

Licensed Dietitian, Maryland State Board of Dietetic Practice, State of Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, License Number DX3497

Licensed Dietitian, Government of the District of Columbia, License Number DI100000634

Bahram Faraji, Dr. PH, RDN, LDN, FAND is currently an Associate Professor of Nutritional Sciences at the School of Community Health and Policy at Morgan State University.

Dr. Faraji has published research in a few areas. One of his areas of interest is the maternal milk concentration of trace elements such as zinc, iron, selenium, and iodine and its relationship to mother's dietary intake. In the area of bioactive substances and phytochemicals, Dr. Faraji has studied effects of citrus bioactive substances on bone quality and antioxidant activity in rats. Dr. Faraji is also interested in community health and nutrition projects where culturally-sensitive interventions have resulted in improvements in weight, eating habits, and clinical laboratory indicators of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Faraji is a Registered and Licensed (MD and Washington DC) Dietitian with many years of experience as a Clinical Dietitian and hopes to collaborate with clinicians in clinical nutrition areas.


2015 Dietetic Internship Program at Morgan State University, in collaboration with

Dr. Ivis Forrester submitted to USDA, NIFA for $ 150,000 - pending

2010 - 2011 Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students, PI, HRSA Grant, funded
$ 100,295.00.

2009 - 2010 Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students (SDA) + SDA-ARRA, PI, HRSA
Grant, funded $ 100,000.00 (total of 2 grants).

2008 - 2009 Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students (SDA) + SDA-ARRA, PI, HRSA
Grant, funded $ 71,435 (total of 2 grants).
2007 - 2008 "Beyond SABOR: A Border Embedded Health Promotion" in collaboration
with Dr. Elena Bastida, Co-PI, NIH funded grant.

"Alliance for a Healthy Border" in collaboration with Drs. Cynthia Brown
and Jose Pagan, Co-PI, funded by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals.

2005 - 2006 US Hispanic Nutrition Research and Education Center, Department of Health
and Human Services, "Nutritional Assessment of the Rio Grande Valley
Population", $50,000, 2005- 2006.

"UT-Pan American - Rio Grande Valley Partnership Conference Series", in
Collaboration with Dr. G. Eyambe, funded by NIH.

2001 - 2002 University of Texas Pan American, Institutional Enhancement Funding, with
Dr. M.A. Hannon from Physics Department, "A Study of Zinc and Chromium
Trace Concentrations in Daily Dietary Intake of Rio Grande Valley Residents
by Neutron Activation Analysis", $ 15,300,

2001 - 2002 University of Texas Pan American, National Institute of Health, Office of
Biomedical Research Resources, "Zinc Deficiency and Vitamins B-2 and B-6
Status in the Rat", $ 7,500.

PUBLICATIONS (Refereed Journals)

Hannan MA, Faraji B, Tanguma J, Longoria N, Rodriguez RC. (2009) Maternal milk concentration of zinc, iron, selenium, and iodine and its relationship to dietary intakes, Biol Trace Elem Res, 127: 6-15.

Mandadi K, Ramirez M, Jayaprakasha GK, Faraji B, Lihono M, Deyhim F, Patil BS. (2009) Citrus bioactive compounds improve bone quality and plasma antioxidant activity in orchidectomized rats. Phytomedicine 16 (6-7):513-20 .

Deyhim F, Mandadi K, Patil BS, Faraji B (2008) Grapefruit pulp increases antioxidant status and improves bone quality in orchidectomized rats. Nutrition 24 : 1039-44.

Deyhim F, Mandadi K, Faraji B, Patil BS (2008). Grapefruit juice modulates bone quality in rats. J Med Food, 11(1):99-104.

Villarreal A, Stoecker BJ, Garcia C, Garcia K. Rios R., Gonzales C, Mandadi K, Faraji B, Patil BS, Deyhim F. (2007) Cranberry juice improved antioxidant status without affecting bone quality in orchidectomized male rats. Phytomedicine 2007; 14(12):815-820.

Deyhim F, Garcia C, Villarreal A, Garcia K, Rios R, Gonzales C, Mandadi, K Faraji B, Patil BS. (2007) Vitamin E does not support bone quality in orchidectomized rats. Current Issues in Food and Nutrition 3: 300-303.

Deyhim F, Rios R, Garcia C, Villarreal A, Garcia K, Gonzales C, Mandadi K, Faraji B, Patil BS. (2007) Orange pulp increases antioxidant status and improves bone quality in orchidectomized rats. Current Issues in Food and Nutrition 3: 319-323.