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Architecture, Urbanism, and Built Environments

Student Profiles


Ebram Victoria

Ph.D. Student, Architecture, Urbanism, and Built Environments

Curriculum Vitae


M.L.A., Morgan State University
B.S., University of Baltimore (Corporate Communications)

Website (Arts + Parks)
Website (2nd Nature Design + Landscaping)

Ebram Victoria is a PhD candidate in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Built Environment and recent graduate of the Master of Landscape Architecture program at Morgan State University. Prior to graduate school, he received a Bachelor of Science in Corporate Communication and a minor in Philosophy from the University of Baltimore. As an environmental entrepreneur, designer, and advocate, his work focuses on using hybrid models of green infrastructure to reclaim and create landscapes that provide extrasensory experiences; spaces that remind us (and the birds, bees, and butterflies) of nature's allure. Through private practice, Ebram stays engaged in the urgent preservation and conservation of existing natural landscapes, and the strategic retrofitting of unsustainable urban sites. Ebram’s present research aims to elevate a conversation around designing with nature to integrate environmental therapies, and the expansion of existing ecosystem services to include the protection and promotion of human homeostasis: mind, body, and spirit.

List of Research Interest(s):
Nature Therapy, Therapeutic Landscapes, Environmental Psychology, Living Structures, Green and Blue Infrastructure Design + Build, Urban Environmental Retrofits, Therapeutic Landscapes, Cultural Landscapes, Historically African American Landscapes Preservation, Experimental Design Research, and many more.