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Howard Mack

Howard Mack

Assistant Professor, Architecture

Office: CBEIS 224
Phone: 443-885-1878

Curriculum Vitae


M.Arch I, Hampton University
M.Arch II, Harvard University

Howard Mack has worked in the District of Columbia as a design architect since graduating from Harvard University Graduate School of Design in 2010 with his second Master’s degree (M. Arch II). Through his professional career, Howard has maintained a focus in design technology and applied theories; which is shown in the number of innovative design competitions he has participated in and won over the past 12 years. Howard has researched, taught, and lectured on a number of innovative topics within the profession and works part-time as a Design Technology Specialist/Consultant for various firm clients. Prior to becoming a tenure-track faculty member at Morgan State University, Howard taught 3 years at Howard University as an Assistant Professor. Howard serves on the executive board for the Washington DC chapter of NOMA and is appointed to the National board as the HBCU faculty liaison. Howard also received his first Master’s degree (M. Arch I) from an HBCU architecture program at Hampton University in May of 2008.

List of Professional Affiliation(s):

  • NOMA - National Board Member (HBCU Liaison)
  • Local DCNOMA Board Member (Parlimentarian)

List of Research Interest(s):

  • Innovative Community Design
  • Pedagogy of Design Technology
  • VR/Immersive Technology
  • Advanced Digital Modeling & Creation,
  • Innovative 3D Printing
  • Smart City Design
  • Smart Building Design
  • Data Based Design
  • Housing Design
  • Smart Office Design

List of Classes Taught:

  • ARCH 103 - Communication Skills I
  • ARCH 104 - Communication Skills II
  • ARCH 203 - Communications Skills III
  • ARCH 301 - Design III: Housing Studio
  • ARCH 302 - Design IV: Urban Design Studio
  • ARCH 429/ENST 738 - HUD Design and Planning Competition (Undergraduate)
  • ARCH 429/ENST 740 - Advanced Visualization & Design Application

List of Selected Publication(s):

  • Mack, Howard. “Incremental Implementation of Advance Modeling and Graphic Software: A Design Studio Case Study”
  • DCA 20/20: Perception to Execution, DCA International Conference (Kennesaw State University), 2020.
  • Mack, Howard. “Using Immersive Stereoscopic Simulation Technology to Facilitate Value Definition: A Case Study Involving Residential User-Tenants and Real Estate Developers”
  • Visualizing Social Changes: Seen and Unseen, IVSA International Conference (Dublin, Ireland), 2020.

List of Grant and/or Award(s):

  • Power Live Academic Enrichment Program Faculty Award
  • 05/2021, House of Parlaiment Design Competition
  • Government of Jamaica - Prime Minister | 03/2019, (Instructor) eVolo Skyscraper Competition
  • eVolo Skyscraper Competition (Instructor) - Honk Kong 2.0; Washington , DC
    Awarded by: eVolo Magazine - Honorable Mention (April 2018)
  • Imagi-Nations Design Competition Finalist + (x3) Semi-Finalist (Instructor); Glendale CA
    Awarded by: Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI) (January 2017)
  • iLab MicroGrant Series - Immersive Environments; Washington , DC
    Awarded by: Hickok Cole Architects - Principals Selection and Staff Vote (February 2016)
  • HP/Microsoft Smart Office Design Competition; Salt Lake City, UT - Alt Design Summit 2013
    Awarded "Innovative Design Idea" by: HP, Microsoft, and Talenthouse (January 2013)
  • HP/Microsoft Smart Office Design Competition; Salt Lake City, UT - Alt Design Summit 2013
    Awarded "Peoples Design Choice" by: HP, Microsoft, and Talenthouse (January 2013)
  • Lifecycle Building Challenge; San Jose, CA & Washington, DC
    Awarded "Outstanding Achievement" by: AIA, BMRA, EPA, and WCG (September 2008)
  • Lifecycle Building Challenge; San Jose, CA & Washington, DC
    Awarded "Innovative Idea" by: AIA, BMRA, EPA, and WCG (October 2008)
  • Imagi-Nations Design Competition Finalist; Glendale CA
    Awarded by: Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI) (July 2007)
  • Design Excellence Award; Hampton, VA
    Awarded by: Faculty of Hampton University Architecture Department (April 2007)
  • Awarded by: Faculty of Hampton University Architecture Department (Spring 2007)
  • Virginia Prize Award Finalist; Hampton, VA (Fall 2006)