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Cristina Murphy

Cristina Murphy

Associate Professor, Architecture

Office: CBEIS 222
Phone: 443-885-4385

Curriculum Vitae


B.Arch, State University of New York at Buffalo
MS., Columbia University
M. Arch., SUNY Buffalo

Attended semesters at the Technical University at Delft, The Netherlands, and Universita IUAZ Venice, Italy


I am multiracial, an ultra-marathon runner, and a globetrotting woman architect operating in the field of research, design, and building with a focus on social and urban inequity.

I am a registered architect in The Netherlands, co-founder of XCOOP, an assistant professor at Morgan State University, and an adjunct professor with the Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center-Virginia Tech. I started my career at the OMA in Rotterdam with the CCTV project in Beijing, China. In 2009, I co-founded XCOOP, a think tank that analyzes contemporary living. After studying at the IUAV and at TUDelft, I earned my Master in Architecture degree from Columbia University in New York City.

Before relocating to the Baltimore-Washington, DC area, I was a fellow at the Taliesin School of Architecture, Hyde Chair of Excellence at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and a lecturer at the University of Arizona. I was a guest reviewer at the University of UCA in El Salvador, the University of Cagliari in Italy, TUDelft and MIARD in The Netherlands, Arizona State University, and the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. I was a thesis mentor at the School of Architecture and Society at the Politecnico of Milan. Since 2018, I have collaborated with the design programs at the RAVB, MICA, and the Ecological Design Collective.

List of Professional Affiliation(s):

  • Co-founder and Architect Associate at XCOOP, Rotterdam
  • Member of 'Stichting Bureau Architectenrgister', Dutch Architects Association
  • Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), Rotterdam
  • Group for Architecture (Group A), Rotterdam

List of Research Interest(s):

  • Urban (in)Equity
  • Designing the Countryside
  • Social re-qualification
  • Social Dynamics vs the Built Environment
  • Designing in upcoming counties
  • Participatory Design
  • Social Justice
  • Spatial Justice
  • Urban Infrastructures
  • Affordable Sustainable Housing

List of Classes Taught:

  • ARCH 530 - Architectural Design Studio IV
  • ARCH 501 - Transitions in Architecture: Theory and Research
  • ARCH 540 - Architectural Design Studio IV
  • ARCH 533 - Architectural Technology V (Building Materials)

List of Selected Publication(s):

  • Designing for Life through Communities' Creative Participation, University of Lincoln, Architecture Hall -1 (2016)
  • Murphy, C. C., & Brisotto, C. (2022). Education as Acceptance. Studies in Social Justice. ISSN: 1911-4788
  • Murphy, C. C. (2022, June). Raising awareness by dissecting diversity in design. Community Architect.
  • Murphy, C. C. (2020). A Productive City in a Time of Pandemics: Healthy Food Access as Justice in Baltimore.
  • Plan Journal, 5(2), 447-472. DOI 10.15274/tpj.2020.05.02.5
  • Murphy, C.C. (2018). Spatial impact of Migration. The Journal of Public Space, 3(3), 159- 170. DOI 10.32891/jps.v3i3.1 139

List of Grants and Awards:

  • 8K Grant to work out the Globe-Miami Project in Arizona with Taliesin (2015)
  • Grant from the Ministry of Economics of The Netherlands for an innovative plan with XCOOP (2010)
  • Honorable mention at the International Fair Ground of Sardinia competition with XCOOP (2009)
  • Entrepot Macdonald - Paris, France. Warehouse in North Paris. 1st Prize with OMA (2008)

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