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Carlos A. Reimers, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Architecture

Office: CBEIS 218
Phone: 443-885-1863

Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D., Texas A&M University
M.S., Urban Studies & Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
M.Arch., McGill University
B.Arch., Simon Bolivar University

Carlos Reimers is an architect and planner with a professional practice that includes the design, development, detailing and construction of residential, commercial, and corporate architecture. He is an expert on multifamily residential planning and design, affordable and low-cost housing, minimal and emergency housing, and incremental and informal housing in North America, Latin America and Asia. His research and scholarship have been widely published and his design work has received awards and recognition both in the US and Latin America. Dr. Reimers has been senior adviser for the InterAmerican Development Bank, city governments, NGOs and community organizations working in housing and is currently a consultant of BRAC University’s Centre for Inclusive Architecture and Urbanism in Dhaka. He has been a lecturer and thesis juror in numerous universities and has taught at the George Washington University, the Catholic University of America, the University of Texas at Arlington, Texas A&M University, and Simon Bolivar University in Caracas-Venezuela, where he was the Chair of the School of Architecture between 1997 and 2001. Dr. Reimers served in the Leadership Committee of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA 2020-2021) and was the Inaugural Mid-Atlantic Director of the ACSA National Board (2014-2017) as well as Accreditation Team Member of the National Architectural Accreditation Board (NAAB 2015-2019).
List of Professional Affiliation(s):
  • American Institute of Architects -AIA. International Associate #30534162
  • Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture -ACSA. Member, MidAtlantic Director 2014-17.
  • Architecture Venezuelan Registration Board. Member #5671
  • Engineering Venezuelan Registration Board. Member #59084
List of Research Interest(s):
  • Socially Engaged Architecture and Housing in Informal Areas
  • Community-led Urbanism and Alternatives to Conventional Urban Development
  • Informal Urbanization and Spatial Inequality in Developing & Developed Areas of the U.S., Latin America, and Asia
  • Inclusive, Sustainable, and Resilient Urbanization
  • Open Architecture and Sustainability in Housing
  • The Future of Suburbia and Cities
  • Progressive Development and Incremental Urbanism and Housing
  • The Influence of the Bauhaus School in Latin America
List of Classes Taught (s):
  • ARCH 311/ARCH 525: Statics and Strength of Materials/Structures I
  • ARCH 312/ARCH 526: Building Structural Systems/Design of Wood & Steel Structures
  • ARCH 550 - Architecture Design Studio V
  • ARCH 772 - Architectural Design Studio VI (Terminal Project)
List of Selected Publication(s):
  • Reimers, C. “Creating the Environment for Social Engagement: the Experience of Venezuela” in “Routledge Companion of Architecture and Social Engagement” Edited by Karim, F. ISBN 978-1-138889699 2018
  • Reimers, C. “El Fenómeno de la Informalidad en Periferias Urbanas de los Estados Unidos de América” Modulo Arquitectura CUC, Vol.14, #1, pp.33-53, ISSN 0214-6542, Colombia 2015
  • Reimers, C. “A Much-Needed Reflection on Urban Informality in Latin America” A Retrospective of the Symposium Conflict and Convergence, October 2013. Journal of Architectural Education 2014
  • Reimers, C. “Informal Suburbia” paper from the Culture of the Suburbs Conference selected for publication University of Exeter, Exeter, UK 2013
  • Reimers, C. “Beyond the Trailer: Rethinking Affordable Manufactured Housing in the U.S.“ Refereed proceedings ACSA Fall 2012 Conference, p-p. 183-188, ISBN 0-935502-85-8. Washington, D.C. 2012
List of Grants and/or Awards:
  • Outstanding Professor and Researcher for Extraordinary Abilities and Expertise, USCIS 2016
  • Honorable Mention BID UrbanLab International Design Competition, InterAmerican Development Bank, DC 2015
  • Recognition for Academic Contributions to the School of Architecture, Simon Bolivar University, Venezuela 2011
  • Faculty Fellow. Center for Housing and Urban Development (CHUD) Texas A&M, TX 2008 - 2011
  • Research Fellow. Mexican American and U.S. Latino Research Center Texas A&M, TX 2005 - 2008
  • Fellow. Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies (SPURS) M.I.T., MA 2001 - 2002
    Fellowship for Professional Development ($34.000). Organization of American States, D.C. 2001 - 2002
  • Research Grant for Field Work ($6.000). Texas Engineering Experimental Station, TX. 2007
  • 2nd Place for Dissertation, University Graduate Student Council Texas A&M University, TX. 2007
  • Planning Research Grant ($5.000). Mexican American and U.S. Latino Research Center, TX 2005
  • Merit Graduate Scholarship ($6.500). Humphreys and Partners Scholarship in Architecture, TAMU, TX 2004
  • Merit Graduate Scholarship ($6.500) Department of Architecture, Texas A&M University, TX 2003
  • University Graduate Merit Fellowship ($25.000). Vice-presidency of Research, Texas A&M University, TX 2002
  • Medal for Distinguished Services, Ministry of Defense, Caracas, Venezuela 2000 (for collaborative efforts surveying and mapping affected areas during Vargas landslides of 1999)
