The Office of Residence Life & Housing
Rules, Regulations & Procedures
Violations of the following Residence Life rules and regulations will be handled by The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilies
Please note: All violations of policies and procedures contained in the Residence Life Handbook and Residence Life Hall Agreement are considered violations of the Code of Student Conduct, and any violators are subject for referral to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. All students are expected to adhere to the Code of Student Conduct as well as Residence Life Policies.
The possession and/or consumption of alcohol in residence halls and/or possession of any controlled dangerous or illegal drug are strictly prohibited on the premises of the University.
Any electrical and/or cooking appliance including but limited to: hot plates, grills of any type, electrical ranges, and toaster-ovens are prohibited. However, one microwave per room (traditional residence halls) or per apartment is permitted. Irons with automatic shut-off functions, which have been approved by your Resident Director prior to utilization, are allowed. Any questions about appliances should be directed to your Resident Director prior to use.
A resident is not permitted to allow other person(s) to occupy or switch his/her assigned room without permission from the Office of Residence Life.
These items, whether lit or unlit, are expressly forbidden in the residence halls. Additionally, the burning of any substance, or the use of any sort of open flame is also prohibited in the residence hall.
Any damages, theft, loss or special services (i.e. cleaning) due to the misuse of assigned space, common areas and state property, whether intentional or negligent, will be the responsibility of the resident(s) of that room, the residents of that hall, or the individuals responsible. When the assigned residence space is a common or shared area, and when the responsible student(s) cannot be determined, an equal charge will be assessed to each residence occupant. Rooms shall not be defaced with nails, tacks, paint, staples, glue, tape, screws, graffiti, glow-stickers etc.
Setting fires, intentionally or recklessly misusing or damaging fire safety equipment, including, but not limited to, alarms, heat sensors, smoke detectors, hoses, fire extinguishers, and emergency telephones.
Residence hall lounge furniture is not permitted in any resident's room. Also, beds and furnishings may not be disassembled or rearranged without written permission documented on the Room Condition Report form by the Residence Director.
Keys to rooms and/or sensors shall not be duplicated, transferred or loaned. Locks should not be changed or added to room/ apartment doors during occupancy. Report all lockouts and lost keys to hall staff immediately.
Students must attend each mandatory floor/ hall meeting called by an authorized agent of the Office of Residence Life or University
All residents and their guests will keep noise levels down to an absolute minimum at all times. As a resident you have the right to a living environment that is quiet enough to permit study and sleep. You are responsible for not infringing upon the rights of other residents (including your roommate) to sleep or study. This includes not playing your music or television loudly, not entertaining guest and/or being loud in your room and engaging in any other behavior that is disruptive to others. It is the policy of the university that the residence halls be reasonably quiet at all times constituting 24-hour courtesy hours. General university quiet hours are each evening from 10:00 PM to 10:00 AM the following morning. During examination weeks (mid-term and final) are designated 24-hour quiet hours. At any time, any reasonable request by a resident concerning noise is to be honored.
Parking shall only be allowed in the spaces provided. At no time may any resident park on the lawn (including at Northwood), even for the purpose of moving out or moving in.
Engaging in disorderly, disruptive, or reckless conduct, which interferes with the activities of others is prohibited in the residence halls
Residents may not keep pets of any kind.
All signs and posters for building common areas or halls must be approved by the Resident Director of that building, and may only be placed in designated areas approved by the Resident Director.
The ORL reserves the right to enter and search a room when it is deemed necessary by the residence hall or other university staff, and to seize and dispose of any item(s) that are a direct violation of ORL or University Policy (i.e. weapons, drugs, alcohol and related paraphernalia, etc.) When at all possible, every attempt to have the resident present will be made. However, the university may still enter the room if the resident is not present and reserves the right to enter the room for:
- Improvements.
- Routine room inspections and maintenance. A resident's request for maintenance or repair constitutes his/her consent for room entry. While entry without notice may be necessary, attempts will be made to provide prior notification whenever reasonable.
- Recovery of university/state owned property which is not authorized for use in the assigned space.
- Fire and safety inspection.
- Actions necessary to ensure the safety, health and general welfare of the residents or others and or the university or property.
Each resident shall keep his/her room in a clean and sanitary condition. Routine room inspections are made weekly to ensure the maintenance of sanitary conditions and University property.
It is prohibited to remove window screens for any reason. Any damages to window screens must be reported for repair immediately. Failure to do so may result in the resident being suspected of violating the visitation policy.
Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the residence halls, including your own room.
Sports activities and/or equipment that may cause damage to the residence hall (especially the floors and sprinklers) are prohibited from being worn or used in the residence halls, i.e., roller blades, cleats, bouncing basketball, throwing footballs, etc.
Residents are expected to dispose of trash in the provided trash receptacles. Residents are not permitted to dispose of their personal trash in the common areas.VISITATION PROCEDURE/GUIDELINES
For the Purpose of this procedure a "visitor and or guest" shall be defined as an individual who is not assigned to the space, building or facility they are visiting. Additionally, please be advised that students are responsible for and accountable to the actions and behavior of themselves and of visitors/guest in their residential space, residential building/facility, and university property.
The rules and regulations governing the visitation procedure/guidelines were initiated by resident students and the Residence Hall Council and presented forward by the Office of Residence Life & Housing. All students concerned are expected to assume responsibility for the successful operation of the program. Foundational to the execution and participation in the visitation program (procedures/guidelines) is the accountable responsibility of students for the actions and behavior of themselves and their visitors and or guests. Failure to comply with the visitation procedure/guidelines will result in disciplinary action.
- O'Connell Hall
- Harper/Tubman House
- Baldwin Hall
- Cummings House
- Blount Towers
- Rawlings Hall
- Thurgood Marshall Complex
- *Marble Hall Gardens (Leased Housing)
- *HH Midtown Apartments (Leased Housing)
*Students residing in Thurgood Marshall Complex and Marble Hall Gardens must register their non-matriculating visitors and or guests during the appropriate visitation hours. The locations for visitors/guests registration are:
• Thurgood Marshall Complex: D-Building room 101-Residence Life Office
• Marble Hall Gardens: Room 4230-MSU Residence Life Office
Visitation Hours Are As Follows:
Monday - Thursday
o 12pm - 4pm: Matriculating Students with Bear Card ONLY
o 4pm - 10:30pm: Matriculating Students with Bear Card ONLY and General Access-Non-Student: Identification required must be registered by the Student they are visiting
o 12pm - 4pm Matriculating Students with Bear Card ONLY
o 4pm - 12pm Matriculating Students with Bear Card and General Access-Non-Student: Identification required must be registered by the Student they are visiting
o 12pm - 12am Matriculating Students with Bear Card and General Access-Non-Student: Identification required must be registered by the Student they are visiting
o 12pm - 10:30pm Matriculating Students with Bear Card and General Access-Non-Student: Identification required must be registered by the Student they are visiting
- Guests are only allowed with the permission of roommate(s).
- Residents are required to leave their ID cards and their visitor's/guest's photo ID card when signing in at the main desk or designated office
- Residents are responsible for their visitor's/guest's retrieving his or her ID card before the end of visiting hours, when leaving the residential facility. Staff will not be liable for ID cards left after visiting hours. Identification cards which are not picked up at the end of visiting hours may only be claimed at the Resident Director's office the following day
- Residents are responsible for their visitors/guests at all times. Residents must also escort their visitors/guests at all times; visitors/guest are not permitted to roam the building unescorted
- All visitors/guests must enter and leave by the main entrance of the building/space
- Maximum number of visitors/guest per space is two per resident
- "Parties"/ large social gatherings are prohibited
- If a conflict exists and or arise between roommates and or visitors/guests, the Resident Director or designated staff must be notified
- Non-student violators of the visitation guidelines will be referred to Morgan's Police Department (MSUPD) for prosecution on charges of trespassing. Students are responsible for the actions and behavior of their visitors and or guests of their assigned space
- Designated lavatory facilities must be utilized by visitors/guests. Visitors/guests must be escorted when appropriate
- Overnight visitation is prohibited unless procedural approval is applied for and granted. All governing procedures remain applicable
The possession and/or use of any illegal weapons (i.e., firearms) are prohibited by the University. Including but not limited to BB Guns, knives, brass knuckles are also prohibited.
Specific Violations of terms set forth in the Resident Life Hall Agreement shall be referred for judicial proceedings, Specified violations set forth in Article III: Responsibility of Students in Residence and Dining Halls.
Contact Information
Office of Residence Life
Tubman Hall, Rm. 114
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday (closed during holidays)
P: 443.885.3218
Additional Resources
Access the Student Housing Portal
Residence Life Policies & Procedures
Register and Connect Devices To Wifi
Contact Information
Office of Residence Life
Tubman Hall, Rm. 114
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday (closed during holidays)
P: 443.885.3218
Additional Resources
Access the Student Housing Portal
Residence Life Policies & Procedures
Register and Connect Devices To Wifi