Student Research Center
SRC Facility
During the summer of 2016, Morgan State University was in the process of renovating and upgrading space on its main campus to house the Student Research Center. In October 2016, the Student Research Center had its grand opening in Key Hall, Suite 200 (enter from Spencer Hall room 200). The SRC facility is an environment where students can go to study, research, and network with their peers. The facility includes: office space for the SRC coordinator and the student leadership; two conference rooms with whiteboard walls and state-of-the-art communications equipment; a private restroom; a kitchenette; and a lounge space with public computer bar and moveable furniture to foster group interactions and activities. It is important to maintain the upkeep of the facility; therefore, please treat the space with respect.
Contact Information
Shamara Murphy
Student Research Center Program Coordinator
Office of Undergraduate Research
Morgan State University
Spencer Hall, Room 200
1700 E Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
Mrs. Murphy's Direct Contact:
P: 443-885-4538
F: 443-885-8129
The Student Research Center's Direct Contact:
P: 443-885-4676
Contact Information
Shamara Murphy
Student Research Center Program Coordinator
Office of Undergraduate Research
Morgan State University
Spencer Hall, Room 200
1700 E Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
Mrs. Murphy's Direct Contact:
P: 443-885-4538
F: 443-885-8129
The Student Research Center's Direct Contact:
P: 443-885-4676