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Office of Undergraduate Research

Poster and Oral Presentation Guidelines


Posters must not exceed 41 inches wide X 40 inches in height.

Poster presentations will be judged and should include details regarding the information presented in the abstract: 1) Title, Authors, and Institution, 2) Introduction/background, 3) Materials/Methods, 4) Results, 5) Discussion/Conclusions, and 6) bibliography.

Posters should remain posted until AFTER the judging period.


A total of 15 minutes (10-12 minutes for the presentation, 3-5 minutes for question/answers) is allowed for each presentation.

Oral presentations will be judged and should include details regarding the information presented in the abstract: 1) Title, Authors, and Institution; 2) Introduction/Background; 3) Materials/Methods; 4) Results; 5) Discussion/Conclusions; and 6) Bibliography/References.

More than one student author can be listed however, only one student presenter is allowed per oral presentation.


Competition Overview
  • 3MT celebrates the exciting research conducted by PhD students. 
  • Cultivates students' academic, presentation, and research communication skills. 
  • Supports students' capacity to effectively explain their research and its significance in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. 
  • 3MT is now a globally-recognized competition. 
  • Over 900 institutions across more than 85 countries are holding a 3MT event.
Competition Rules
  • A single static slide is permitted, presented from the beginning of the oration. 
  • No additional electronic media or props are permitted. 
  • Presentations are to be spoken word.
  • Presentations have commenced when the presenter starts their presentation through movement or speech.
  • Presentations are 3 minutes and competitors exceeding 3 minutes are disqualified. 
  • The decision of the adjudicating panel is final.