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Morgan State University Launches New 10-Year Strategic Plan, ‘Transformation Morgan 2030: Leading the Future’

by Morgan State U
January 28, 2022

Comprehensive Strategy Sets Course for Morgan’s Continued Momentum
and Pursuit of a R1 ‘Very High Research’ Classification 

BALTIMORE — Following unanimous approval by its Board of Regents, Morgan State University releases a new 10-year strategic plan outlining an aggressive blueprint for continued growth and advancement for Maryland’s Preeminent Public Urban Research University. The plan, “Transformation Morgan 2030: Leading the Future,” details Morgan’s steadfast and very intentional approach to bolstering its leadership in core areas, expanding its global footprint, producing evidence-based solutions to society’s most pressing challenges and building upon the previous decade’s historic growth and advancement. Chief among the long-term strategies underpinning “Transformation Morgan 2030” is the University’s goal of achieving a Carnegie R1 “very high research” university classification.

Morgan last augmented its strategic plan in 2018, when Morgan President David K. Wilson outlined new annual priorities and enhanced goals on student success, research and growth. 

“At its core, this thoughtfully executed strategic plan represents our institution’s shared goals and prescribes a definitive pathway for our growth and continued ascendency over the next decade and many years thereafter. Make no mistake about it, we’re laying the foundation for Morgan to be included among the nation’s top public research universities,” said President Wilson. “I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to every individual involved in the process of road-mapping an idealistic but very achievable ‘Morgan of tomorrow’ while embodying the spirit of our vital mission and our unwavering pursuit of excellence at all levels.” 

Student ResearcherThe comprehensive 2030 plan aims to build on an unprecedented growth Morgan amassed during the last decade and under the framework of its previous strategic plan. The tenets of the newly adopted 10-year plan establishes a clear path for the next decade and beyond for Morgan’s ascension as an internationally recognized dynamic living-learning institution that is rooted in student success and achievement, mission-oriented research, institutional capacity-building and a solvent organizational infrastructure positioned for long-term growth.

At the behest of President Wilson and under the direction of Don-Terry Veal, Ph.D., vice president for State and Federal Relations and chief of staff, a Strategic Plan Steering Committee was formed to execute the critical undertaking of developing Transformation Morgan 2030. In this effort, the Steering Committee enlisted vital input from the entire Morgan Community, including faculty, staff, students, alumni and key external stakeholders. The result yielded a thorough and extensive plan focused on meeting six strategic goals: 

  • Enhance student success and well-being.
  • Implement faculty ascendency and staff development.
  • Elevate Morgan’s status to R1 ‘Very High’ doctoral research university.
  • Expand and improve a campus-wide infrastructure to support operational excellence and increase overall institutional capacity.
  • Serve as the premier anchor institution for Baltimore City and beyond; and
  • Accelerate global education initiatives and expand the University’s international footprint.

“Following an historic and unmatched decade of Morgan momentum, we fully recognized the greater task at hand and were committed at the onset to shape a well-crafted plan with Morgan’s continued success and elevation as its primary objective,” added Dr. Veal. “We are pleased to not only share this vision with our campus community, but also bring it to fruition.”

strategic plan cover
To read the plan in full and for more information, view online here.

About Morgan

Morgan State University, founded in 1867, is a Carnegie-classified high research (R2) institution offering nearly 140 academic programs leading to degrees from the baccalaureate to the doctorate. As Maryland’s Preeminent Public Urban Research University, and the only university to have its entire campus designated as a National Treasure by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Morgan serves a multiethnic and multiracial student body and seeks to ensure that the doors of higher education are opened as wide as possible to as many as possible. For more information about Morgan State University, visit

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Media Contacts:
Larry Jones or Dell Jackson