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Kevin T. Kornegay, Ph.D. Faculty & Staff

U.S. Dept. of Commerce Appoints Morgan CAP Center Director to New Internet of Things Advisory Board

by Morgan State U
November 03, 2022

The U.S. Department of Commerce has appointed Morgan State University’s Kevin T. Kornegay, Ph.D., to its inaugural Internet of Things Advisory Board (IoTAB). Dr. Kornegay, the Eugene Deloatch Endowed Professor in Cybersecurity Engineering and director of the Cybersecurity Assurance & Policy (CAP) Center, joins a select group of non-federal government experts, with notable proficiencies relating to the Internet of Things (IoT), to advise the agency’s Internet of Things Federal Working Group.

The appointments are the first for the recently established advisory board. Each of the new 16-member advisory board members represents a broad range of disciplines from across academia, industry and civil society. Each board member will serve a two-year term.

Among other things, the board will advise the federal working group on matters including the identification of any federal regulations, programs or policies that may inhibit or promote the development of IoT; situations in which IoT could deliver significant and scalable economic and societal benefits to the United States, including smart traffic and transit technologies, augmented logistics and supply chains, environmental monitoring, and health care; IoT opportunities and challenges for small businesses; and any IoT-related international opportunities for the U.S. Full details on the board’s activities are provided in a Federal Register notice

The U.S. secretary of commerce established the IoTAB in accordance with the requirements of the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, and in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will provide administrative support to the advisory board. For more information regarding board activities, please visit the NIST website

Morgan’s Cybersecurity Assurance & Policy Center is an NSA National Center of Academic Excellence in cyber defense education. The Center serves as a university-wide research center spanning several of the University’s schools.